
Did ANYBODY noticed that the Olympics medals standings by NBC are wrong??

by Guest63605  |  earlier

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It has always been like this...

The country with MOST gold medal has to go first.....

since USA didn't obtained the 1st place, but did get the most total medals.. NBC put them 1st in the Rankings, in front of China.

That has never happened before.. Lets be impartial please.




  1. Im not anti american. But i do know all those that are saying ' who cares ' wouldn't be if it was the other way around, and china had more total but less gold.

  2. They put the U.S. first because they have a better Medals/Population ratio. China has a HUGE amount of people to pick their athletes from, yet they fell behind the U.S. in total medals.

  3. ""They put the U.S. first because they have a better Medals/Population ratio. China has a HUGE amount of people to pick their athletes from, yet they fell behind the U.S. in total medals.""


    china's athletic program SUCKS, in my old school (before i came to usa) PE was 30 min long and we only had it for once a week.

    Schools in china focus on purely academic progress, while totally ignoring athletics (uptill some VERY recent years) if you want to get into a good collage, you will have no time outside of school and HW to do anything.

    also, the majority of the people in china are in rural areas and are poor as h**l.

    Chinese athletics systems work differently,

    They draft you from an young age and train you insainly hard. the pool of athletes are small, but almost all are trained from when they were under 10. (gymnastics starts at 4)

    btw guys, what the asker said is true, the usa changed when they no longer had the gold lead

    but everyones got their egos, so let everyone win XD

  4. It's 1st rank in total medals

  5. Skylers link is a UK site, that's WRONG for the US.

  6. Its Americas desperate attempt to gain some dominance over China. At the end of the day, the gold medals counts with silver and bronze used to distinguish countries that have the same amount of gold medals.

    Theres also the per capita measurement in which the US would also rank lowly.  

  7. The US has NEVER tallied like the UK so skylers lame link is for the lame whiny petty UK idiots, not the US

  8. Its not official. The official website of The Games of XXIX Olympiad is showing China over USA. The US media cannot take losing easily and they are desperately trying to show that they have achieved more than China in this Olympic. The whole world is showing China in the first place except the US and the Arab media.

  9. mmmmmm, What counrty won the most 4th placed certificates?

    which womens hockey team were disquallified for wearing the wrong coloured undies? who won the most medals? who won the most gold?

    All are equally as important!!!!

  10. Response to teddies: No Pete is not retarded, but maybe you are. Can't you focus on the actual medal count setup instead of USA's medals over China's? If you actually paid attention to the way the medal count was ordered you would have seen in the 2004 chart Russia has more medals over all but they were ranked 3rd under China because China had more Gold, therefore we can conclude it is counted by Gold not Total. If it was count by total the number on the right side would be order from biggest number to lowest number, do you see that pattern? Do you see the pattern on the left side with the listing of Gold medals? So what do you think about Pete now?

    Response to Jeff in Dallas: If it's sources were international, why isn't it still counted by gold then? USAToday counted the 2008 Olympics by total medal count, not Gold medal count like we do Internationally.

    Take a look yourself - Athens 2004 -

    Beijing 2008 -

    Notice how USAToday ranks by Total in 2008? In my sources below the world stills uses the Gold count. Why isn't USaToday using the International system this time around then?

  11. That pissed me off as well. But we live in America, so that's what they want to show us. I personally think the Olympics should have winning countries based on the most GOLD. Not just individual winners.

  12. Its a totally different arithmetic! In the U.S. it goes by most medals, with the distinction that we did not win most gold. No one thinks otherwise.

  13. You're right OMG!!!  That goodness someone has picked this up, it would have been an absolute scandal if we hadn't discussed this issue, and preferably about 500 times too.  

    A big THANKS for bringing this to everyone's attention, I'll give my MP / Congressman a call straight away.  

  14. This is how the US does it. While the rest of the world sort by gold medal.

  15. Cause it gives someone like 8888888888 something to bltch about

    Who Cares

  16. Who gives a S**t!!  Does it really matter who had the most gold medals or most overall medals?  There is no grand prize at the end!  Will people shut up about the most gold medals vs. over all medals.

    Also if you has not noticed NBC put the United States first because that is who NBC represents and their viewers would want to know about their athletes before athletes from any other country.

    Thank you teddies  for telling it like it is!

  17. To Jeff in Dallas:

    OK, if US people like to use "rank by total", fine, let it be.

    But please also use the same ranking system, when US people claiming that "Michael Phelps is greatest in the history of Olympic". Do you know how many total number of Olympic medals (not only gold, but total) Phelps got? Do you know who got the most number of olympic medals (not only gold, but total) in the history of Olypmics? Sorry a russian, Larissa Latynina, 18 medals in total!

    You US guys please do not use two different standards to do things.


    P.S. if use the same logic of US people, in this round of Olympics: USA, China and Russia are all doing equally good, but not only USA at the top. Since US people think the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd guy in the event should be treated equally, then the top 3 countires in the ranking list should also be treated the same as well.

  18. Thats the way the US has always listed it, by total.  At least they did in 2000 and 2004.  Before that I don't know.

    Check the links, all from 2000, 2004

  19. Hey Jeff in Dallas that's actually not true...  check out this article, yes it is a little anti-us as the brits are poking fun but the US only started listing it by total this year.

    Hey Jeff they must have changed those links..  because a week ago i could have sworn i've seen multiple sources where they listed by total.  Do you have Stryde Hax's email address?  :^]

  20. US propaganda from the American Press thats always full of ****..

  21. I think for the past two weeks EVERYBODY noticed, as this same question is repeated 100 times.

  22. People are so obsessed with what the U.S. does

    yes NBC and Yahoo have the medal tables that way for no other reason than to put the U.S. on top

    do you think you are the genius to first figure this out

  23. Noticed. NBC is Amercia network. Ego has get into their head. More Kaisu than Asian

  24. yes it hyas happened before. the US media has ALWAYS ranked countries by total medals, not gold medals. it's called a medal count, not a gold medal count

    hey skye r, no jeff in dallas is NOT wrong, he's absolutel;y right. he even mentioned that the USA today ranks by gold, they did this year too, duh. so that makes your link useless. all other US media outlets have ALWAYS ranked countries by total medals, the way it should be

  25. If the medal count reflected the actual number of medals given out, the US won more gold then any other nation. For example, in basketball, a medal was given to each member of the team for a total of 12 medals. In the current system of counting medals, basketball as a sport counts the same as an individual sport such as the boxing. In fact, based on medals actually physically awarded, many more American athletes received gold medals in Beijing. If you take just 3 of team sports (Woman's soccer, All Basketball and Men's Volleyball), 48 American athletes received gold medals in these sports but they only count a 4 medals in the "medal count". You can continue the team discussion when you look at the track relays and rowing events as well. There are at least 60 US gold medals missing if you look at the true count.  It is also interesting to note while everyone is focused on China's gold medal count, it is interesting to note they failed to get a single gold medal in track and field which are the traditional Olympic events.

    I would not put too much emphasis on "medal count" as it has been in the past and currently embraced by those who don't like to see the US on top.  

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