
Did Adam Masturabte?

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Did Eve?




  1. Yes. Repetitively and Furiously.

  2. If they did indeed exist (very unlikely possibility) then the chances are they did, masturbation is natural (though certain *ahem* oppressive religions have attempted to control this natural behaviour previously in history).

  3. I believe they were as slick as Barbie and Ken dolls until they got that fruit thing going...

  4. No need to...

    In addition to the Tree of Knowledge, there was also a Tree of o****m.

    No self-stimulus required.

  5. Adam masturbated but made Eve swallow.

  6. If I was alone in a forest with the only male on earth, probably not

  7. you bet

  8. No. Lubriderm had yet to be invented.

  9. fap fap fap fap

  10. the Bible says they lived to be like 500 im sure adam did beaucse once a girl gets to 50 she kind of loses her lust. i bet when he was around 425 he used alot of lotion and tissue while spying on the other girls. who happened to be his daughters.

    Did i take it too far again. i think so

  11. before or after he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

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