
Did Alastair Darling do the right thing bringing Northen Rock back into Public ownership?

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Did Alastair Darling do the right thing bringing Northen Rock back into Public ownership?




  1. Yes. (Privatised but not "back")

    The investors money is safe and the government should make money from the company, relieving the burden on the taxpayer.

    The shareholders have no right to complain. When other listed companies run out of funds there is a small announcement saying that the shares have been suspended "pending clarification of the financial position", followed a few weeks later by the appointment of administrators. Shareholders get nothing, and no chance to sell.

  2. what a shambles and are any of "the rock" people facing prison???

  3. I don't know what you mean by back into public ownership, as it was always a private going. But yes he did the right thing, the railways and utilities should be next.

  4. No No No it's a disaster for the tax payers a disaster for the shareholders, Alastair Darling and Gordon Brown for all their so called business acumen couldn't run a tap.

  5. NO!NO! NO! (temporary)  my a.s.s//Darling should go and take Brown with him the two of them haven't a good financial brain between them and the latter was C/E for 10 years

  6. If i find my shares are now worthless then bloody well no

  7. He did, and it was his only option. Anyone who disagrees with hat is either a share holder or  buffoon

  8. Well, dose he know more about other banks in trouble, so that why it was nationalized? Either way it has been propped ut by our tax pounds.

  9. It is not a return to public ownership. It was always commercial business opperated for the profit off investors and shareholders.

    Like all private companies it shoudl have failed.

  10. No he did not? Why should the taxpayer have to bail out a company that was completely mismanaged? It should have gone into administration. Now we have a situation were every taxpayer in the country are backing this shambles of a bank to the tune £3500 each. It's farcical. Why didn't they take the same action over Farepak or Rover or Equitable Life? Probably down to the fact that they weren't toying with holding an election when those companies got into trouble so now we're left holding a bill for £110 Billion because Brown bottled it and couldn't afford to upset Labour voters in their North East heartlands.

  11. The only thing that concerns me is that all us tax payers are now sponsoring Newcastle United!!!

  12. I think not, personally, It's unfair to the tax payer, but then, what ever this government get up to, I never have any faith anyway.

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