
Did Ali (RA) & Hasan (RA) gave pledge alligiance to Kuffar (AbuBakr ,Omar & Muawiya (ra) ?

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question is directed at those who always call these personalities As kafir and Iblees (Naozobillah) or even worse !




  1. According to Shia'a they were cowards!

  2. Why are you wasting your time here is one of the kafir pigs  FTL just said a kafir on a great Sahabi Mua'awiyah(ra) and who said a disbeliever to a Sahabi is clear Kafir !

    there is a Hadith about this

    so from now on this Kafir FTL  is Known for Muslims  

    (his answer have been saved as Proof)

    and yes in shiaism rleigion the anti-islam religion they said kafirs on All sahaba's !

  3. The shia'as in here astonish me! I guess this is Taqqiya, as bro. Otherside says. Otherwise, I can't understand what they mean by saying that they don't curse Abu Bakr and Umar. This is something which is stated in their books. Why, everyday u see some shia'a in the Ramadan section rebuking them.

  4. Abu Baker and Umar (ra) are not Kuffar, Muawiya is a Kaffer the son of Kaffers. Yes Imam Ali (as) gave alliance to Umar and Abu Baker, not to Muawiya, Imam Ali got martyred while he was Calipha, there is no reason to give alliance to him (Muawiya).

    Edit: Tell you what it takes a lot of courage to put (ra) after Muawiya, i give you that much, or you are simply ignorant of his actions, may Allah guide you to the truth brother.

    Well my brother Musa (pbuh) stayed under the rule of Pharoah's  more then Ten years. Your logic is flawed and void.

    We don't look at any book as authentic accept the Holy Qur'an.  

    And if you have a hadith that says Ali is God istaghfurillah it won't mean anything, because we know he isn't, and we know our belief and what it stands for, and it goes against the Quran. So any hadith that goes against the Qur'an then it is discarded. We don't have hadith al-sita we have books by our Imams that exist to this day, that would fill libraries, what are you on about, our narretations did not stop when the Prophet died it continued for 255 years, we are way ahead of Sahih and Bukhari, i am not saying it to insult, it is just the truth.

  5. How does focusing so much on hate part of history strengthens one's faith . Should not one focus more on virtues of these personalities rather than debating what is divisive and unproductive for the cause of Islam.

  6. what kind muslim Are you?! if you call Abu Bakr Saddiq(ra) and Omar(ra)  Kaffirs!!

    weren't they khulpas and companions of Nabi Mubarak?

    this proves that you are misguided!!

  7. Abu Baker & Omar Was  Muslim But Mawiyah Ibn 4father wasn't  muslim And Moula Ali (as) Never Give allegiance To Mawiyah (laeen)  

  8. you have to put your anti taqyyiah suite on before asking questions about shia.

    because its gonna be a taqyyiah infested field around here soon :)

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