
Did Anyone Else get Madden 09 this week?

by Guest67050  |  earlier

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I'm Wondering did anyone get the new packaging of Madden 09, with Brett Favre on the Jets, because i have Favre on the Packers? but EA has already said there a new packaging. here go to the link and you will know what i'm talking about the game cover.

So did the store hand me the wrong packaging of Madden 09 with Favre on the packers, and do you have the same front cover, or is it difference.




  1. If anyone knows where Sams Club is, they have Madden 09 for very cheep. I have a ps2 and i got mine for only 35 dollars

  2. I Got Madden 09 Favre Is A Packer In the Front And they Overrated Him A Little With 99

  3. I'm going to get it in a few minutes. The cover isn't wrong, per say, it's just not update, it's kind of hard to change the cover a week before the game comes out.

  4. no, I can't stomach spending that much, and not even having the cover athlete on the right team!!

  5. All Madden 09 games have Favre in a Packers Jersey on the front. The only way to get the Jets Favre is to print if from the net. It would have cost EA millions to recall all the games just to put them in new packages.

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