
Did Anyone Here Isolate Themselves After Having A Baby??

by Guest60054  |  earlier

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I think I have. Didn't really mean to, but it happened.

I had Master R & C 5 months ago, and with 3 toddlers on hand too, I haven't got all the time in the world.

I don't get time to chat on the phone much to friends till late, and I feel guilty ringing at 10pm. Or just going around for coffee, with my tribe that's asking for trouble. I feel like I haven't seen my friends in months, and it's probably true.

Anyone else not mean to isolate themselves, but it happened anyway?




  1. I did for the past 11 months, although i work i spend most of my time at home until TODAY i decided (out of the blue) its time to take the bull by the horns and get out and about. I was a sloth sitting around all day some days in my pj's ALL day long but no more i realised i am not seeting a good example for charleigh by being a big fat lazy sloth and it is doing me noooooooooooo good for the self esteem. So today i walked to a friends we walked to the shops then went to the gym once the kids were in bed and i feel better that i have in months and months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    PS: i do still wuv you just been a littel snowed under for the last 2 days ;)

  2. I did for about 2 months when my baby arrived.  I felt very overwhelmed with being a mom and didn't know how to make alot of time for friends.  Luckily I have some great friends and when I realized I can have a baby and make time for friends they were there to chat or hang out.  So if you have good friends they will also be there when you are ready.

  3. YESSSSS , i do, and i hate it

    with 4 i feel a pain to visit friends or even my family as theyr everywhere touching this and that, asking 4 drinks, being bored, ect ect ect

    on school holidays i am very isolated cos i dont want to even leave the house with 4 as i find it way too hard to control them all as they have minds of their own, so i usually stay locked indoors for weeks , its pretty hard

    i never let my kids hold me back, but suddenly i have 4 and some people dont have the patience to have us over,, so i dont even bother

    im with you my sweet charli,, if we lived close i would defnately visit you as our kids could party on together and raise the roof, lol xxxxxxxxxx

  4. YES!!!My daughter was in NICU for several days after she was born, so when we got home we honestly let only my husbands parent in the house for the entire first month, when my brother and sister in law stopped by with their 3 children (in the middle of winter) my husband let them see the baby from the window in the living room!LOL!Seriously he wouldn't let them in fir fear of germy children.  

  5. Brodie is 2 and I still do that!

    I just find it is so much easier to just stay at home. Brodie is a very "whiny" child, is never happy to stay in his pram, yet if he is out he runs amuck. If I go to playgroup or visit friends he is a very shy, clingy kid, so he isn't much fun to take out.

    So therefore he is much happier at home and in routine. He still has his arvo sleeps from 2 - 5ish so it also makes taking him anywhere tricky.

    I also text friends or email them rather than chat on the phone. The kids are always too loud to try to talk on the phone!

    If i do take the kids out I come home absolutely exhausted! As great as it is to catch up with friends, its so hard! I am good friends with my next door neighbour who has a 7, 3 and 2 year old, so my social outings is popping over to her house for a visit, or vice versa.

    Have to get Andrew to babysit once a fortnight or so and you go out and catch up with friends. You'll feel heaps better after it!

    Don't forget your coming out with us for tea one night?!

  6. I did that with my first child for a while.  He was so jaundiced that he had to be on a bili bed for a week.  It was required that he be on the bili bed all day every day and only off it for feedings and changing.  After that week of not being able to hold my baby or do anything with him I just started staying home with him so I could have my time with him and hold him.  Then when he was about 2 months old I started going out again.

  7. Yep, for exactly the same reasons.  Even though you really want to see your friends it just becomes so much hard work that you end up just putting it off.

    I was actually just thinking about this the other day, the only social life I have now is a weekly meeting with friends and family with young kids at the indoor play gym!

    If they have kids too I'm sure they understand.

  8. i never meant to, but yeh i did.

    i was an emergency section with complications post partum, so i never really went out all too much after birth. then when i started to feel better, i was so wrapped up in my daughter and my own little world that i forgot to call people or arrange lunch or whatever. but it was a 2 way street as i was the first out of my friends to have a baby, so i guess some of them just thought we didnt have much in common anymore.

    my best friends now, are a girl i was in college with (no Kids) and my BF cousins wife, she has a little girl, 5mos older than my daughter.

  9. I am having my third and I think I am still isolated from having my daughter 4 years ago. Days filled with feedings, nappies, baths then adding another child so there is two to do the same, now a third on the way and I will probably barely see daylight for another few years, lol.

    My son is still having an afternoon sleep and now my daughter is at kindy 4 days a week, my days are full just getting out of bed!!!

  10. Yeah i just had my twins july31st and without meaning to even during my pregnancy i have become distant  with friends and family. Now that they are born im so overhelmed with being a mom i still havent got or dont make the time for anyone else. I dont really mean to and im not trying to be mean it just happens.

  11. Yep, I did that unintentionally as well.  When you first have your baby you are just so consumed and then the lack of sleep.  We have gotten out a little more now that my daughter is 13 months old, but I don't find that I have a lot of free time to call or hang out with friends anymore.  And when I do sometimes I'd rather just take a nap!! :)

  12. I did for almost an entire year after my first son was born, I was having complications with my pregnancy and after he was born I was just so depressed about everything I never went out. I lost alot of my friends b/c they didn't understand what I was going through. With my second I was out and about after the first week... Totally different experiences with both my children!

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