
Did Augustus Caesar learn the means to return mankind to eternal life and blow it?

by Guest66627  |  earlier

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The requirements to reverse the death curse on mankind was to replace Abel with a corresponding sacrifice from the loins of the family of Cain.

Caesar understood that Abel was the son of god and was conceived without intercourse unlike Cain.

Caesar had every reason to truly know he was god.

He also knew he could not conceive a child as a sacrificial replacement for Abel without intercourse. This concept requires a third party. An original first god.

Caesar thought that he could trick god. Therefore he knew that god was not omnipotent. What went wrong?

First man could never bear a child without intercourse so Jesus would never be a corresponding sacrifice.

Second; Genesis has someting wrong. God looked a favor on the vegetable sacrifice of Abel and with contempt on the lamb sacrifice from cain because the sacriificial lamb was Abel. It was a vegetarian society.

Later God said that man could eat flesh without blood. A vegetable has flesh with no blood.




  1. WTF????????????????????????


  2. Nonsense.

  3. I really don't think Caesar cared much about what would have seemed to him a bunch of fairy tales told by hopelessly ignorant people in an awful, hellish backwater type country.  As a good Roman, I'm sure he slaughtered calves for Jupiter and the rest, not the Judeo-Christian God.

  4. first, our understanding of death is off base. Consider the possibility that "god" required a murder after commanding that Cain should not be touched. If Abel enter the world different from the inference of the bible text I am curious. And if "eating flesh without blood " proves understandable to you please contact me I would like to maintain communication. All those Dietetic connotations are a gross contortion of reality. To eat the flesh of a mighty one is a historic myth for power. !~CHANT~A~SEALLAH~!

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