
Did Barak Hussein get the slam-dunk laid on him by an old man?

by Guest59437  |  earlier

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Poor Obama's Denver party sure didn't last too long, did it?




  1.   I don't know. I'm in Denver and a lot more people are talking about Obama and the DNC. The only people talking about Palin are the ones wondering who the h**l she is?

  2. You mean by choosing a woman who has 2 years as governor of a state that has less people than Little Rock, Arkansas?  Oh wait....she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and also helped her husband catch fish.  And runner up in a beauty contest.  Wow - how did we overlook such a fantastic candidate for so long?  I think her judgement is going to be questioned just in how she named her children: "Track, Willow, and Piper Palin"???????

  3. Obama is laughing his **** off right now.  McCain just lost the election.  He picked someone with NO experience.  Who wants to criminalize abortion EVEN in cases of rape and incest.  Someone who doesnt believe in evolution or global warming.    Obama will win in a landslide in November.

  4. Did McCain put the slam-dunk on Obama by picking an inexperienced (less than two years as governor of one of the least populated state) former beaty queen with even less experience in International Politics than McCain accuses Obama of having?  Someone like that who is only one stroke or heart attack in a 72-year-old man away from being the leader of the Free World?

    Once the novelty of this dies down (and, believe me, it will), people are going to realize what a horrid mistake John McCain made.  Sarah Palin is like Dan Quayle was for the first Bush - she's assassination insurance for John McCain.

    Once again we the the Republican philosophy of selecting someone for a job because of ideology, not qualifications.  This pick only confirms John McCains utter lack of good judgement.

    Slam-dunk for John McCain?  No.  She's an air-ball.  The shot didn't even hit the rim of the basket.


  5. it will take years to pick up all the banana peels from the stadium

  6. No he didn't.

  7. If this was a boxing match.  The Democrats spent all week throwing light jabs.  Bill Clinton did get in a solid punch.  Jimmy Carter took a wild swing and fell on his face.  And then McCain landed a bell ringer of punch.  

    The Democrat talking heads were all over the news today.  But they weren't talking about Obama.  They were talking about Sarah Palin.  

  8. How is McCain's inexperienced candidate going to help him win again?




    Thought so.

  9. Obama just lost and even he knows it. The one demographic he led in was women, but he can kiss that goodbye now. He had a chance with Hillary Clinton, but shot himself in the foot.  Obama infuriated 18 million Hillary Clinton voters by picking Biden.  If 5% of those women switch from Obama to McCain it's all over. This is a textbook example of how Democrats lose elections.  

  10. Was there a party?

  11. yeah.. Party is over... Now I know why McCain looked so happy in that congrats ad last night..

  12. B.O. should be embarrased that the #2 on the other ticket has MUCH MORE executive experience and executive accomplishments than he does.

    Wow, the Republican #2 more qualified for Presidency via more executive experience than the Democrat

    McCain/Palin '08

  13. ,,, hmmm .. I don't know .. I believe in the old saying .. "it aint' over - till it's over".

    Both candidates seem to be popping rabbits out of a hat.

  14. I'll answer when I stop laughing. Poor desperate old man.  

  15. Yes, and by a woman. Ha. Remember, McCain has been around for a long, long time--he does have experience and it shows.

    Obama has been had. Ooops! Loving it!

  16. An old man and a girl!

  17. not long at all

  18. He sure did and it's his own fault too. Got nobody else to blame.  

  19. Oh, The Boy be whipped reel gud!

  20. booty slammed and b*tch slapped

  21. I now know why i will never vote Republican ever again you people have totally lost your minds with the sarcasm and the whining, why do you hate someone so bad that it twists your minds?  

  22. Well, they say McCain is a real firecracker, and today he blew his campaign's thumb off. Right from the beginning it looked like a very impulsive choice (typical McCain, which is why his experience matters less than you'd think), and the details only confirm that. I bet he doesn't even realize how big a role her attractiveness played in his choice of her above the others.

    He's met and spoken with her once.  She is probably thinking he's more than a little nutty.

  23. That's so clever, you're using his middle name to make him look Muslim. What are you, ten?

    Barack Obama knew McCain was going to do this. Everyone knew he was going to this. Everyone knew that McCain would announce his VP the day after Obama's speech in order to redirect some of the thunder.

    So no, he didn't get the slam-dunk laid on him. This is how it works - after the nominee makes his big speech, the nominee of the other party announces his VP to steal some airtime. It was completely expected, so "poor Obama" isn't at all surprised or disappointed his "Denver party" didn't last long.

    Grow up you racist parasite.

  24. He did, he got the goon hand down on him baby!

  25. Palin as VP will end up as one of the worst decisions a candidate has made. Worse than Pototoe Quayle.  

  26. The Obama party is over.  McCain hit a grand slam today.   Great choice.   ***

  27. Calling him that shows how miserable you really are. Go lower, you can do it.

  28. lol, i just love how his speech was the talk of the day for about 10 minutes then people found out Palin was VP for Mccain and no one doesn't give a who about his talk yesturday

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