
Did Barrack Obama remove the American Flag from his plane?

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I get so many e-mails seemingly trying to make The American Favorite Barrack Obama look un-American. Does anyone know the truth?




  1. All you have to do for anything you expect is simply a rumor is to go to  There has been so much misinformation put out about Obama that he has his own category on Snopes.

    This is a case in point (see link).  The plane that Obama had been using belonged to North American Airlines, whose logo was a waving American flag.  When Obama became the presumptive Democratic nominee, his campaing refurbished the plane, giving it markings that would identify it clearly as Obama's plane.  In the process, the NAA flag logo on the tail was replaced with Obama's logo of a sun rising over a field of red and whited stripes, reminiscent of the stripes on the

    American flag.  This marking of a plane or bus with identifying symbols is common to candidates, including McCain.  

  2. The entire plane was repainted and the Flag was replaced by a red white & blue Obama logo:

    If people want to criticize tha man base it on his positions, his policies, or his record. This kind of c**p only works on morons. (sadly there are many )

  3. dunno

  4. I heard on NJ 101.5 FM that he did and I agree with the host, he should have at least placed it somewhere else on the plane like near the front. To remove the symbol of our country when he is running for it's highest office is offensive to me as a veteran and citizen.

  5. Yes, he replaced it with the letter O.  Really.  Link is a video and some opinions criticizing the change to the plane.

    Snopes answer above is a great source to check out rumors flying around.

  6. I really don't care what Obama does anymore because he is not going to be president.

  7. Yes, I just looked it up under and they will tell you emails that are false, true, and full of half-truths.  This one is fully true.  They show the plane before and after he removed the American flag.  

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