
Did Barrack and Hillary come to their positions by merit?

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or by some wacky nationwide subconscious affirmitave action guilt?




  1. Can you spell his name right?  Can anyone?

  2. Did George W. Bush come to his position by merit?  h**l no.

  3. I say a combination of both. Both are intelligent individuals that are successful in their careers so they have become champions for the "underdogs" - Black people and women. And everyone loves to cheer and promote the underdog. Furthermore, they possess keen understanding of American law and government since they both have law degrees.

    I appreciate them more than individuals like George Bush. Not to turn this into a Bush Bashing, but the man never excelled in anything. He got into Yale as a legacy and barely graduated. Then he was given startup capitol yet managed to run three businesses into the ground. He was a mediocre governor and did nothing of importance while in office. He had no merit or qualifications. But politics is the playground of the rich and famous. Popularity is more important than merit.

  4. Reagan was an actor who became the president. While Sens Obama and Clinton both lack a great deal of experience, they both have a legal background.

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