
Did Billy Graham ever meet Marilyn Monroe?

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  1. its not important god move at his own speed,and does things in his own time,those of you who are looking for concreete proof of these things do not believe in god,thats why your heart is in turmoil.keep looking for proof,and you will loose your blessing,it does not matter how or if the facts were mixed up when these people died they did say something or else the word would not be out,i myself said one thing without thinking about 3-4 yrs ago,and it happen,i said something wicked and my girlfriend was dead the mext day,so we do not know the forces that is at work in our minds: i prove it when i said what i said,and my girlfriend was dead,and they did not  know what killed her at least they didnt tell me,but i was the one who found her dead,so i believe that there is a god that is not mocked.

  2. No, and she didn't die in an apartment or hotel. She lived in a home at the time of her death. John Lennon died in 1980, for those who don't remember, and the comments he made about the beatles being more popular than Jesus were in the late 60's - God sure wasn't swift moving on Mr. Lennon - perhaps he wasn't so pissed after all? As for the others - who knows - but think about all the little kids and really good people you know who died... did they mock God just before passing on? I think not. Think for yourselves people - does this really make sense? Do your homework at the very least and check out the stories provided as "fact" and see what you come up with (checking Aunt Tilly's blog doesn't count)!

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