
Did Bob Brinker miss this Bear Market?

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Bob said the S&P would go to the 1600 level in 2009. He said there was only a 20% chance of a bear market. Right now... we are 20% down from the October highs.

Has he lost his crediblity? Did this go right over his head?




  1. 2009 is still 6 months off.  And the end of 2009 is nearly 1 1/2 yrs off.  Lots of time for the market to hit 1600.  How much credibility has he lost??  Not much I'm guessing.  I don't see too many stations pulling his show off the air, or his ratings declining.


    How many investors tune in for his predictions, and how many tune in for the entertainment & general information??  I tune in for the latter.  I am going to invest, the way I'm going to invest, irrespective of his predictions.  And I'm wondering how many other folks do the same.

  2. He maybe was right, it could go down to 1600. Just kidding, I know you made a mistake. Remember the guy who said on January 1998, the Dow would reach 50,000 by the end of the year. (it collapsed in July99 and hasn't recovered since)

    The Dow is down 48% after adjusting for inflation since June 1998 and has on average grown only 1,8% since his introduction in 1895. What goes up will go down.

  3. He left an out... 1/5 chance of a bear market... and it hit.

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