
Did Bush LIE to America 2 go to WAR!?

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What are your thoughts on pres.Bush lying just so we could go to war for oil.




  1. Is the pope catholic?  

  2. No. I still haven't heard anyone say what it was he said that was a lie. I just keep hearing these children on here saying he lied to get us into war.

  3. This has been answered time and time again.

      What did Bush lie about? Terrorists attacked

      innocent people in America on 911. Shouldn't

      the president of the U.S. do something about

      that? I guess you libs thought he could have

      just shrugged his shoulders and saved money

      by not slugging back. That is not the role of the

      Commander-in-Chief. He had to act to protect

      the other citizens of the U.S. from future attacks. Sofar, he has. BidLaden's henchmen

    have not been able to make another attack. We

    have wiped out many of the top terrorist leaders

    in Iraq. They deserved it, as we are the power

    leader of the world. The President cannot be

    a wimp. No lies were uttered.

  4. Do bears c**p in the woods!!! my dear it is the lie of the century...cheerio DINO

  5. No, he told Americans that we would free Iraq from a tyrannical dictator who was murdering millions of his own people. And we did. Liberating Iraq and now millions of Iraqi's are free.  

  6. No he didn't and it was a just war

  7. no, 9/11 was an OUTSIDE job

  8. Nope. Being wrong is not lying! War for oil my a@@

  9. Bush is a sick and twisted man who sends me and  my fellow soldiers to a war that is pointless, and the only reason im going is cause im fighting for my fellow soilders not some 1st grade educated president

  10. that it is such a falsehood only a complete, total idiot would believe it or repeat it.?

  11. That's just dumb.  We don't have Iraq's oil-  we went because we thought there were W.M.D.'s-  the other countries that went with us thought that too- so did Hillary Clinton and MOST senators, governors etc.  So if you want to bash Bush go ahead- but keep in mind that we would not have been able to go without congress approving it.  

  12. No WMD's, and they knew there were none, they had the intelligence reports right in front of them that said there were no WMD's, but they lied and said there were.  It was a deliberate lie.  4,500 dead Americans as a result, and a million dead Iraqis, and the Middle East now with Iran as the #1 power, oh and the US bankrupt with the value of the dollar tanking and inflation running out of control.  Thank your supreme court for that, they put Bush in office.  

  13. No he did not.

    Just Google 17 resolutions against saddam.

    GW had the balls to do it, where as clinton had his played with instead.

  14. Yeah, and as we all know, oil is NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT.

  15. Saddam Hussein blatantly ignored 13+ UN resolutions after he lost in Desert Storm.  No lies were needed.

    And, if the war was 'for oil', why was the price over $140 a barrel this summer?

  16. Ummm, what is your evidence

  17. I've answered this question so many times, I don't care anymore.

  18. no

  19. My thoughts are that conspiracy theorists are all NUTS!

    Bush, the Congress of the United States, and several of our allies all decided to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein had a history of using WMDs and was claiming that he would again. U.N. sanctions had done nothing but punish the Iraqi people and Sadam Hussein remained defiant, even bragging that he was developing nuclear weapons. This, in a post 9/11 world could not be tolerated.

    As for the war being about oil - where is it? Iraq is currently producing and exporting for profit many hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day and none of that is even repaying the U.S. and its allies for liberating that country from its evil dictator.

    Stop listening to left-wing loonies and study the facts.

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