
Did Bush say that he is not looking for Osama?

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Someone told me that in one of his speeched GW said he is not looking for Osama?

Is that true?

Why wouldn't he look for Osama?

I also think we have caught up with him by now with the type of intelligence that we have. Look at how long it took us to find Saddam.

What do you think?




  1. Because he knows where Osama is - every day we see Osama making speeches and running for President.

    Oh, wait, that's Obama.  Never mind.

    We actually have a pretty good *general* idea of where Osama is.  But we're not going to carpet-bomb 1/5 of Pakistan just to get him.  (We could, but we'd rather not.)  Getting timely, accurate information is almost impossible because bin Laden is hiding amongst a sympathetic populace.  We have criminals hiding in our own country we can't find...

  2. he said obama they sound alike

  3. he probably did say it, because he is a clown.

  4. ...took us...


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