
Did Bush use his magic hurricane maker to create Gustav? Listening to libs, he just might have. Right libs?

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Did Bush use his magic hurricane maker to create Gustav? Listening to libs, he just might have. Right libs?




  1. yep,had to stop the bro's from coming back,LIBERALS *UCK!!

  2. Well, Fascist-Neocon, this is very much possible. Criminal Bush and your buddies Republican-Neocons-Fascists are very much capable of anything and everything evil.

  3. Yes, And I support his actions.

  4. Um..what? And you think liberals think that why? You need help dude.

  5. Bush can't tie his shoes, how would he create a hurricane?

    Cheney might have...

  6. Bush did no such thing, and I'm a liberal douchebag.

  7. The same crazy people that think America used a weather machine that caused the tsuanmi in 2004 near christmas?

    The internet is full of these nutcases. I know I argue with them nearly every day.

  8. yes it's all Bush's fault. In fact, yesterday I got a paper cut and it really hurt - I have no doubt that Bush was behind it.  

  9. what are you talking about?

    you sound a little....unstable.

  10. No, Bush didn't create Gustav, but his denying global warming and impeding international efforts to respond to it have contributed to more variable weather, such as Gustav.

    Now Palin is the VP choice and she's another Global Warming Denier.

    On a more ironic note, Republicans were praying for rain of biblical proportions, and now they got it.  I don't think the Republicans have a magic hurricane maker, but apparently the Republicans think they do.

  11. Last time I checked the republicans were the ones who were complaining god favors Obama... except last time it was the oil rig thing.

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