
Did C.C deserve a no-hitter?

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I think he did it was clearly an error when he couldn't get that ball of the ground.




  1. He deserved it in the sense that he pitched so well.  he doesnt deserve it in the sense that it was a hit.  That is a call that has been made consistantly all year.  If its a ground ball, unless you overthrow it, or bobble it like crazy, its a hit.  He simply missed the ball, thats a hit, i hate to say it since he really should have had it.

  2. Yes, bad call.

  3. yes but whats the point? There isn't any excitement in an appeal. Its not like he is going to feel like he threw a no-hitter three days after he threw a one hitter. The moment is gone.

  4. Yeah I think he DOES NOT deserves it. It was the right call. I really don't care since I don't care about the Brewers so it wasn't such a big deal. I don't think he even had a chance at the runner so yeah, it should have been a hit like it was scored. He was rushed by the runner who was hustling so he missed the ball trying to pick it up too fast. Definitely a hit in my book. No NO NO for C.C. today

  5. He definately deserved it, that was a play he makes 9 out of 10 times.

  6. Yes! Although CC himself did not gripe or try to make excuses, his only comment was "It is what it is". This is a class statement from a class pitcher. Although the play in question--ruled by the official scorer as a hit--was a playable ball and had CC come up with it cleanly, he would have had the batter (Andy LaRoche). Therefore, due to his hesitation I really believe that it should have been ruled an error. Even LaRoche himself said he thought it was an error and was embarrassed when it was ruled a hit. In a game like this one, a hit should only be given when there is no doubt that it was a hit. This one is very shaky at best and CC deserved to get his no-hitter!

  7. That was for sure a no-hitter. Horrible call by the scorer.

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