
Did CBS drop the ball Saturday night?

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Concerning the whole Elite XC fiasco?

They couldn't even show it live because of the Childrens Miracle Network thing. Then the newspaper said it would be on at 2 a.m. But then it wound up being on at midnight, causing me to miss part of it. Then they filled the whole show with talking heads that caused it to go 45 minutes over the scheduled time. Then there was the controversy in the Lawler Smith no contest.





  2. They most definitely did drop the ball.

    At the beginning of the show, I was excited by the fact that they tried to introduce new viewers to the basic terminology and stuff.

    As the show went on, I was thinking to myself "man, does it usually take this long for fighters to talk into the cage?" I just figured it seemed like a long time because I didnt really like many of the fighters, so I didn't care about their videos. But then, at 10 o'clock, when only 2 fights had been shown, I realized that something was wrong.

    Thankfully, the first few fights were very quick. If not for that, the event would've gone over the broadcast time.

    As for the actual fight, there was no variety. too many sluggers. The Carano vs Young fight was very nice, but they stopped it kind of early it seems. But Young wasn't arguing, so perhaps it was warranted or she gave up in between rounds.

    The Lawler vs Smith fight was an excellent back and forth battle, until the doctor stopped it. That was, by far, the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Especially since his eye was all better about 30 seconds after they decided to call the match. That was nothing more or less than a load of c**p.

    The Slice vs Thompson fight was an amazing crapple-fest. it looked like Kimbo'd only been practicing BJJ for 3 weeks. In his 'guard' he relied ENTIRELY on overhooks to keep Thompson tied up, and left his legs wide open. At one point he managed to reverse a scarf hold BY STIFF ARMING Thompson. The fact that Thompson let him do that is pretty sad as well. he looked pretty bad too, but a bit more experienced than Kimbo. But considering how big that cauliflower ear was, I would think that Thompson would've spent a LOT of time on the mat.

    And as for the stoppage in favor of Slice, that was pretty early...

    In my opinion, this was a debut for primetime. 3 questionable stoppages and a sloppy, sloppy main event will give people the WRONG idea. Elite XC would've left first-time MMA viewers under the impression that MMA is a bunch of fat guys who have no cardio brawling.

  3. Without a dought. There was an hour of show and two min of fighting at one time. It was filled with horible stoppages, bad commentating, and cheerleader type girls shaking their butts. And the best fighter (robby lawler) was not even the main event. It was main evented by a guy who made his fame by fighting a bunch of nobodies in his backyard while his buddy video taped.

    The funniest part of the night was when Frank Shamrock looked in the camera straight faced and said, "you won't find these guys fighting in a bar, you won't find them fighting in the street." WHAT!? THE FACE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS A GUY WHO MADE HIS FAME BY FIGHTING... IN THE STREET!!!

  4. I enjoyed the fights.  Some were controversial but scott smith told that doctor that he couldn't see twice , the doc should have waited and gave him his 5 min recovery time then examined him but you can't tell a doctor that you can't see twice and expect them to let you continue.  Thompson was out on his feet after kimbo busted his ear, he was taking heavy shots and his legs were like jello.  I thought the smith vs lawler fight should have gone on but it is what it is

  5. They did drop the ball, I am no Elite XE fan but I wanted to see MMA protrayed well.  Stupid cheerleaders, tools like Baronie and poor production value with weird stoppages hurt.  Some of the fights themseves were good though.

  6. The show was free so stop complaining and enjoy or you rather pay per view?

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