
Did Casey Anthony kill her daughter?

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That is Casey's MySpace. ALL of the comments left my her friends are still up, going back to at least two years ago.

I looked at the comments from her friends around the time after Caylee went missing, and before her arrest. Here one comment her friend left on July 8.

"yeah we should def get together!!! Lets go to the beach this sunday??!!!"

'yeah we should def get together' means that Casey asked the girl to hang out. If your child is missing, would you be writing messages on your friends' MySpace accounts asking them to hang out? Would you be that care free? Wouldn't you have been trying to find your daughter?


Also, fill me in on the latest.




  1. Wow - wish I could double star this as Interesting!

  2. That is crazy, right there! Yeah, that just shows you she wasn't concerned about here daughter....she definitely murdered ehr, i don't care about proven  innocent  till guilty, this is just common sense. OH , and one more thing....I've been around a dead body before, and the smell is very very unique and disgusting, nothing can compare.

  3. how could casey's mother sit there and act like her daughter is innocent of doing anything WRONG?? I agree with the person who mentioned the 911tape.. the mother CLEARLY says it smells like a dead body in casey's car.. a whole month anything could have happened.. casey didn't sound distraught or anything.. i am 4months pregnant with my first and i swear if my child ended up missing you wouldn't be able to understand anything i would be saying.. i would be freaking out.. big time.. never mind the fact i wouldn't wait a WHOLE month to call her in missing. casey was CALM and you could totally tell she was making up lies while talking to the 911 operator.. either way.. i believe 100% that casey is guilty of something.. whether it be murder or getting rid of her child by selling her etc.. i have an ex bestfriend who cares more about going out and partying and living the young life than take care of her 5kids.. and casey seems to be that type of person.. and caseys mother is an idiot if she believes her daughter is innocent.. deep down i bet she just doesn't want to admit she birthed a baby killer into this world..

  4. okay i seriously hope and pray that this mother did not kill her kid but come on whether she killed her or not she didnt report her kid "missing" for over a month she deserves to stay in jail just for that everyone knows that if someone goes missing the first 24 hours are what matters and if shes innocent why does she not trust the police why did she take them to all those fake addresses and to a fake work place and doesnt the grandma know this"babysitter" why doesnt the grandma comment on her thoughts of said babysitter or giving the description for her own sketch artist and why isnt she giving her own time line of events saying what she has done to find her kid but MOST IMPORTANTLY i want to know WHY  THIS girl who obviously did something wrong here has herself some really good lawyer best money can buy protecting her and her parents almost have the bail money yet my brother is about to be deported from this country for some lame crime he didnt even commit because he couldnt afford a lawyer where is the justice this girl should be raped by the system and left to rot in jail what kind of mother doesnt report her kid missing shes about to be the next oj

  5. She's innocent until proven guilty but things sure don't look good for her as she's not being honest with the police and waited to report her child missing.  If she didn't do it I believe she knows who did.  It's obvious she needs psychiatric help, her behavior now will obviously give her lawyer a good defense.

  6. I have seen the page i am on her friends list..It has been run by her brother as of lately.(until the entire family all of sudden decided it wasnt a good form of searching they need a direct website)Yes i say she killed her.

    They found out (msnbc)today the grandparents laid a slab of concrete in the backyard..ok please tell me then they didnt know she is most likely buried back there...

    since the dogs hit in one corner of yard and the trunk near the tailight...

    her grandmother is weird one also..

    with her dad being an ex homicide detective please tell me why they ignore the facts???

  7. On  Nancy Grace her mother says"a bag of pizza",I've never heard of a "bag of pizza".Also on the 911 tape I believe she says "I've given you 30 days" when Casey asks her to give her one more day to find her.She'll probably be found at that fake address she gave detectives,just a guess.

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