
Did Casey sell Caley or did she kill her little 3 year old daughter?

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or was she kidnapped? Yeah right!




  1. Who knows. Hipoefully the police will find out and put the criminal away for life.

  2. she killed her. her and that prison ***** grandmother. i cant stand people like them. if they didnt want the child why did they have it in the first place!

  3. I believe she killed her daughter so she could party with men and women. This child lived 99% of the time with her grandparents, so why did they wait so late to call the police? The entire family are dis-functional.

    Why would the Grandmother wash a pair of Casey pants that she was last seem wearing, this grandmother knew something was wrong, if her granddaughter was missing, why would she take the time to wash

    any evidences on the pants, that were found in Casey's car. And who leaves their car in the middle of the road?

    Which did the grandmother do first call the police and then wash Caylee's pants? Something is very fishy here. We all must pray for this child.

  4. The way that Casey is acting with the vague answers and her refusal to talk points to her baby being murdered.  It appears that all she has done is lie and lie some more...she is telling so many lies that she is getting them confused.  I don't believe that Caylee is alive (unfortuntely) and I wish she would say where she was so that people could at least give the little baby a proper have her little body out there like a pile of trash makes me sick....

  5. Its a sad case for sure.  If the mother killed this innocent child she should get the death penalty and be executed immediately.  

    If the little girl is still alive, I would not put it past the mother in selling the little girl for freedom of *horing the clubs.  

    Why did it take the grandmother five weeks to report the little girl missing?  If in fact the little girl lived with them 99% of the time?  

    I pray Caylee is still alive and will be found.  The longer time passes the likeliness of them finding her is slim to none.

  6. I think the girls dead, unfortunately, but without a body it's hard to prove in the legal system..that's why this bit-h didn't say anything to begin with.

    And the idea she would talk once released from prison didn't work either did it, she should have never been released.

  7. I think that if she had sold/left the daughter with someone then by now someone would have come forward and said 'here she is' but no one has done so. I think that it is a possiblity that she killed her or left her someplace where no one could find her. Plus the way she was acting, the pictures of her at parties, makes it seem like she would want to get rid of the daughter so she could go out and party all the time. And the thing with that bonds man bailing her out is stupid, you know shes not going to say anything and he only did it for the publicity. They need to do a lie detector test on that woman!

  8. She killed her daughter because she was in her way, the selfish beech.

  9. Who cares? In the greater scheme of things if the importance of this case was made into gasoline, it wouldn't drive an ant's motorcycle halfway around the inside of a cheerio.

  10. One theory is that she left the little girl in her car for hours while she was partying and the baby may have suffocated,

    She might be stalling about where the body is because the longer a body is not found the harder it is to determine cause of death

    In my opinion the grandmother is an attention-seeking whack-job who bares partial responsibility for whatever happened

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