
Did Channel 7 Australia Delay Broadcast of Gold Pole Vault?

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I am furious channel 7 Australia delayed the Broadcast Of Australia's First Gold Medal In Athletics( in the Pole Vault ) for 40 years.....What do you could still see the 4x100 Jamaican s celebrating in the background...THANKS CHANNEL 7




  1. I am also outraged.

    Channel 7 are total f***ing sh*t.



  2. Channel Seven should hang their heads in shame for they way they butchered the coverage of the Pole Vault and the fact that it was seriously delayed.

    Thankgoodness for Barracklive at the Heraldsun website and the wonderful ABC radio people, who broadcast the event live. I had channel seven going at the same time hoping to see the visual, but it never happened until well after the event, except for a delayed snippet here and there.

    It's not good enough to show a snippet here, or a snippet there and then wham bam the winning jump. I wanted to see the other vaulters and the whole poetic tale play out.

    That pole vault event was very exciting, it was very tense, it would have made exciting television if it was given the credence it deserved. Especially when not much else was happening except for the constant self promotion of Seven, advertising and countless montages.

    I was bloody furious last night and still am this morning.

  3. Yes, they did and it's not the first time I've caught them out either.  I've been listening on 2GB instead, because they're LIVE

  4. The real question is - what do you think? Of course they did!

    We aren't known for going well in the track and field so normally it is ignored (unless of course it was Cathy) - but that said, Hooker should have gotten a fair shake of the stick as his final goes.  

  5. yes their priorities are bemusing not to mention so very aggravating... then to rub salt into the wound they had to intersperse the delayed footage with yet more commercials and station promos...  

  6. you still saw it before you read about it, which is all that really matters. well to me anyway.

    well done and congrats to Hooker for Gold and setting a new olympic record!!!

  7. i think it appalling that the banners promoting what was going to be shown in the evening included the pole vault which was not covered at all.  The banners disappeared as the time for the pole vault got nearer, and then the time for the pole vault passed. Although one could see the activity in the background as some runners went past the pole vault area there was no indication it was coming on.  the only conclusion to reach was that those bright tiny minds in channel 7 had decided not to transmit the event.  the alternative SBS did not plan to show it as, presumably, there was an agreement not to show what channel 7 "promised", so the only conclusion was that it was not going to be shown.  i had no interest in the other stuff, and because i had an early start needed the following day i went to bed.  you can imagine how annoyed i was the following morning [today!] to find i had missed my favourite event where we had won the first ever gold medal.  just seeing the final vault after the event is grossly unsatisfying.  channel 7 - i am disgusted with your [lack of]coverage and your handling of this.

  8. yes they did delay it....they promise us LIVE coverage but all im seeing is ADS,ADS, re-runs, ADS, swimming replays, ADS, softball at a inappropriate time (BOOMERS WERE VSING USA) and did i mention ads??? Its appalling....if someone from ch7 is reading this i hope they are ashamed. all i hope for is that foxtel or someone other then ch7 telecasts the 2012 olympics because there coverage is awful... oh and in the pole vault the was a break every 2nd jump..... Someones head should roll because of this...

    BTW i still havent seen and field events...and why????because there are no australians.....shameful.  

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