
Did Chile belong to Argentina at one time? How about..?

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Did Panama belong to Colombia? Did Costa Rica to Nicaragua? Did Paraguay to Brazil? Did El Salvador to Honduras?




  1. Actually, both previous answerers are right. Travel expert is talking about what happened in South America while Gus is talking what happened in Central America. As the first answerer says, neighbouring countries have always had conflicts and the winner always took part of the loser's land. Through different wars (latin american wars) most of the countries have lost a bit of their territory. I guess that's what the first answerer said and yes she knows what she's talking about as she described the situation in South America.

    Gus describes the situation for the above countries mentioned but Travel expert gave the broader picture.

    So both are right.

  2. I think that at one time, Chile did belonged to Argentina, as Uruguay belonged to it.

  3. 1. Chile never belonged to Argentina

    2. Yes. Panama belonged to Colombia untill about 1903. The US proposed to build the Panama canal in what is today Panama, the government of Colombia refused the proposal, so the US gave money to Panamanian rebels get their independence from Colombia.

    3. Yes, in the beggining of the XIXth century Central America was a single country, the region as a hole also belonged for a while to Mexico. But both unions didn't last more than a decade.

    4. Never

    5. Read 3


  4. From what I know, none of these countries ever belonged to another Latin country! The all got independent from Spain (Brazil from Portugal) and what happened is that after some conflicts and wars, SOME part of a country was taken from another one. For example, years ago Bolivia had an outlet to the Pacific ocean and Peru was longer. Then there was the Pacific war and Bolivia's territory was cut and the were locked inland while Chile gained a lot of Peru's and Bolivia's terrirory. The same happened between Peru and Ecuador, Ecuador and Colombia, etc. Chile and Argentina fought for the Beagle Channel and the territory at the very bottom of South America (land, islands, etc) Chile never belonged to Argentina! Argentina won and took part of Chilean territory, Chiel never belonged completely to Argentina.

    When General San Martin and General Bolivar made all South American countries independent, they made the maps carefully. One Latin American country never belonged to another one. Some portion of land may have belonged to another country and lost at war but that's all.

  5. Chile owned many parts of what is now Argentina that it was forced to give up to Argentina, but it was never owned by Chile no. Yes Panama did belong to Colombia but the USA "liberated" it from Colombia. A part of Costa Rica called Guancaste used to belong Nicaragua but Costa Rica won it in a war. Paraguay used to belong to the Rio de la Plata Province whenit was a colony of Spain. Brazil and Argentina won lots of land from Paraguay during the War of the Triple Alliance. El Salvador never belonged to Honduras they were just divided like that after their Independence. So the person above me clearly has no clue what she is talking about.

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