
Did China fix the olympics?

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How many events did China actually win golds in that weren't judged events?

Why are they getting away with underage gymnasts?




  1. You don't mess with the Communists, that's why.

  2. Name one sport that isn't judged. Edit.... still waiting for an answer to my question, 2 hrs later.

  3. I'm sorry... maybe China did fix the Olympics... I don't know... but as far as I can tell this is just racism.

    If that were true every other country which hosted the Games could have done that. So please, give China a break.

    (I'm not Chinese... or American... or from any other country who may have something against/in favor of China). I just think the Olympics should be more about fairplay or has everyone forgotten that? If the Olympics have changed so drastically why in the world does Greece always enter first at the opening... why make them only once in 4 years... why keep all the traditions? They could change that if they wanted, but they don't.

    And by the way, everyone cheats. If you're American doesn't mean you're perfect and neither if you are from any other country. Tell me one country who has athletes at the Olympics which has never had one who cheated.

  4. no, they compete in a whole bunch of things like table tennis, ect. which they dont really show on tv, so you dont acually see them winning the gold.

  5. To think China is using the Olympics to show to have a 'good' face to the world. Turns out they are losing the very face they are trying to protect, humiliating themselves for all the world to see.

  6. cause you're wrong...?

  7. How pathetic always someone who has to call the "race card"

  8. it sure seems like thats whats happening doesnt it?  its just like saying is michael phelphs on steroids?! you never know!!!! :O

  9. Why they use underage gymnast? because you dope in Track and Field.

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