
Did Chrissy Mathews mention the 'thrill up his leg', at McCains pick of Palin like he had w' leftist Hussein?

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Did Chrissy Mathews mention the 'thrill up his leg', at McCains pick of Palin like he had w' leftist Hussein?




  1. Oh you mean prissy Chrissy Matthews....No don't worry about that..he is in the can for Obama and he will never go against that...No he actually got a migrane because his candidate didn't have the guts to give the V.P. office to a woman (Hillary), so thrill up his leg?  I doubt that very much...Oh you will see him put Palin down, downgrade her experience, when his candidate is a lightweight no nothing leftist/radical with suspect friends and associates.  So the media is totally in the can for Obama and if it wasn't for a few conservative commentators and FOX news, McCain's name would never be mentioned...but for criticism..So, Matthews?  He is a lightweight just like his no nothing candidate Barack Hussein Obama, and his V.P. Joe Bid Laden

  2. he's just talking weird again.  

  3. Chrissy Mathews is a complete liberal tool. During Nam he hid out in the Peace Corps like most of his generation of mommas boys.  He routinely pops wood when Obama utters his cliched platitudes.

  4. I don't want to even associate "Chrissy Matthews" and "thrill" in the same sentence, especially given the context of it. The man creeps me out.

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