
Did Christians and Muslims coexist peacefully in Palestine for centuries?

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American propaganda suggests persecution of Christians by Muslims but I find no evidence for that; on the contrary,there is a great deal of evidence for jewish persecution since 1948 in the east and in the west since 1967. Meanwhile,as I understand it Christians in Syria today co-exist peacefully with Muslims. How do you feel about peaceful co-existence with Christians in predominately Muslim countries? The jews take the view that Palestine must be as "purely" jewish as possible and seem to be driving out Christians almost as vigorously as they persecute Muslims. Since most of the jews there are atheist and since it is holy to 2 billion Christians and 2 billion Muslims,should it be shared by both religions,and can this be done peacefully?




  1. Yes. The trouble started in 1920 when the jewish Agency was formed and intensified in 1948 when it transmogrified itself into the so-called "israeli" government. But even as late as 1967 Christians and Muslims dwelt in peace in the West Bank under Jordanian control. Syria is 15% Christian and the Syrian Orthodox Church maintained excellent relations with the Muslim community. Christians and Muslims have a shared interest in liberating Palestine from zionist control,and I am confident they will get along as well as they did before.  

  2. They did indeed. As a Catholic I visited Jordan many times in the 60's to visit our shrines. The area now known as the West Bank. I saw no friction between Muslim and Christian whatsoever. I would vastly prefer to see the Holy Land restored from Israeli control; what to speak of their atrocities against the Palestinians,they are utterly destroying it's character. A wall surrounds Bethlehem and that Har Homa complex is an architectural atrocity,like most of the new architecture. Another wall cuts right across the Mount of Olives. They've turned the Holy Land into a complete h**l-hole. It was very bucolic under Jordanian control. The people were very nice. Which the Israelis were not; I went to Nazareth too.  

  3. yes they did, its a historical fact acknowledged by every reasonable person who can read.

  4. Not always.  Unfortunately Muslims did attack the Christian, Jewish, and Samaritan communities at different times.  More recent it has been directed at the Christian community such as Muslims occupying churches in Bayt Laḥm and churches being burned in Gaza.

  5. yes, they can live together.

  6. Since "Palestine" did not exist prior to the modern age, one can safely say that all who live in that geographic area co-existed.  The state of Israel does not take the view that Palestine must be jewish, they simply don't recognize it.  They don't "drive out" Christians or persecute Muslims, both can be citizens of Israel.  Most Jews in Israel are not atheists, but monotheists.  The geographic area is "holy" to three monotheistic religions, but historically occupied first by the Jews.  The Christians recognize this and worship there only with the consent of the state of Israel.  

  7. yes they did, ahh good times, good times!

  8. shortly before they decided that their respective gods gave them the same piece of land......

  9. Yes, history tells that Jerusalem was a city of peace, in which all Ibrahimic religions; followers lived there in harmony and peace, under Islamic rule.

  10. Yes,and they still do,notwithstanding the hardship imposed by the theft of a nation. Many top Palestinians are or were Christian,George Antonius,author of "The Great Arab Awakening" and George Habish of the PFLP.

    Someone mentioned Syria; I spent 10 days there as a Catholic and I saw nothing but harmony between Christian and Muslim. Nothing like the occupied West bank,which is basically a police state for both Christians and Muslims.  

  11. americans are not just

  12. Muslims, Christians, and Jews, all three co existed peacefully.  Another example is Moorish Spain.  For 700 years all three lived in complete peace.

    But in Palestine, before the creation of Israel, Jews and Muslims lived in complete peace.

    There are those who would like us to believe this is a religious war.  In fact and indeed, it's political and nothing else.

    Sadly the meek and humble are being hurt the most.  Allah have mercy on them.

    love for all, hatred for none

  13. Oh hey Galahad. I did not know you come here too. Well, as a Muslim I can tell you that we Muslims have long treated every one with respect regardless of their religious beliefs. But look at how the Jews are treating us and Christians. They are digging under the Masjid-al-Aqsa so that it will collapse and you might be well aware how they are burning Bibles by hundreds, the recent torching of hundreds of Bibles is just one of their many hate crimes against Christians, not to mention their frequent cursing of Jesus (pbuh)

    Free Palestine.

  14. Yes, they sure did. What the Israeli government is doing to the Christians and Muslims and some Jews is similar to oppression the Jews had to fight from those who hated them for centuries. So how is the creation of the Israeli government justified? From my understanding and all Jews don't agree with the state of Israel. They are religious and non-religious ones alike. Israel was started by Jews who were athiest and zionist not religious. The ones that do oppose it aren't self hating Jews either, they are open minded and can clearly see right from wrong. there are palestinians christian or muslim and if you go far enough back into the history you will find that some are probably descended from Jews of Palestine.

  15. Christians and Muslims coexist peacefully in Palestine FOREVER !

    Free Palestine

  16. koran kill the non-believers where ever you find them. this is just one of dozens of sura's that command muslims to kill non-believers.  koran 9:5. muslims have never lived peacefully with anyone not even other muslims.

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