
Did Clinton's Treasury Secretary Rubin Get $150 MIL to Steer Citigroup & America into Subprime Mortgages?

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What do you think of former Clinton people getting paid over $250 MIL at Citigroup and Fannie Mae, given what those two firms have done to taxpayers and our economy

(Jamie Gorelick, Franklin Raines)




  1. CHANGE?  According to the article "Obama economic adviser Jason Furman is a Rubin protege."  Where is the change?

    The good thing is that since he makes so much money he will be paying higher taxes...and liking it.

  2. The Democratic party is the party of the Rich Fat Cats.

    Always has been, always will be.

    Obama had to dump Jim Johnson from his VP search team for getting favors on the mortgages on his several expensive mansions.  Johnson was at Fannie Mae with Frank Raines who was supporting Clinton.

    Then Gorelick who was at Justice under Clinton went to Fannie although she supported Gore.

    All of them have bunches of houses like the Kerrys and the Kennedys.

    They're all rich like Pelosi and Feinstein, Herb Kohl -as in the department stores, Rockefeller -anyone????

    The 65  wealthiest counties in America all have voted Democrat in the past decades. Every time.  They are represented by liberal Democrats in Congress, almost all of them have 2 liberal Senators, almost all have Democrtic governors. They contribute the nost money to the DNC - mostly in large amounts - often in 6-figures or more - and to Democratic candidates and liberal causes.

    And the Democrats make a fuss over the hard working dad of Cindy McCain selling enough six-packs to buy a few extra houses?  Geez.  

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