
Did Cro-Mangnon people ethnically cleanse the Neanderthal?

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Did Cro-Mangnon people ethnically cleanse the Neanderthal?




  1. Absolutely not.

    Such heinous behavior developed after society and organized religion. Crimes as horrible as that need both political and religious delusion.

    We did extinct Neanderthal but it was unconscious and the result of brain evolution.

  2. No, not likely, they seem to have co-existed for quite some time.

    Did find this link though,

  3. No they seemed to co exist for quite some time.

    The Neanderthals were under pressure from climate change as they were anatomically developed to survive for  certain conditions.

    There are some theories that the two interbred.

  4. That would fit well with the "Out of Africa" or "replacement" hypothesis that suggests Homo sapien either out competed neanderthal or killed him off during the 10,000 yrs they coexisted.

    However the "regional" hypothesis suggests sapien bred with both neanderthal & erectus in Asia & Europe, but the sapien genes swamped the more ancient genes of other Homo lines.  Due to ancient genes found in Asia & Europe, but missing in Sub Saharan Africa some suggest some degree of "gene introgression" from more archaic lines of Homo.  Mungo Man (found at Lake Mungo in Australia) looks sapien (~6' 3" tall) but his MtDNA tests as closer to neanderthal than to sapien... casting doubt on the mitochondrial eve hypothesis supported by the replacement hypothesis.

    You may find this interesting:

  5. dunno, never heard of them - i thought the neanderthal survived and evolved into the humans we are now, the 'sub-neanderthals'

  6. Up until 20 years ago it was calle evolution.  I personally am not gonna sit back and let people kill off us.

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