
Did Democrats miss Obamas Middle Class Tax Increase?

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Its interesting that so few picked up on Obama's gaff. He said that he'd "recruit an army of teachers and pay them higher salaries". Teachers are paid by local taxes, so that means MUCH higher property and sales taxes for everyone.




  1. No, we simply recognize a campaign speech from someone we want to win.  All campaign speeches, from either side, promise things they can't achieve.  This is true of both Obama and McCain and every other politician from time immemorial.  We also have seen the analyses of both tax programs and realize that both men would have tax plans almost identical for the middle class.  

    Did Republicans miss that McCain wants to raise taxes by taxing the amount their employer contributes to health insurance?  That affects everyone who has a job with health benefits.

  2. Y&eah I guess you're right. We don't really need more teachers. We just need more leggy vice presidents to keep the rubes drooling.

    Education is so nonfundamentalist. The kids need a good bible thumpin' then pack 'em off to the army for a manly shaping up.

    How could I have been so stupid as to think education is a priority.

    Next thing they'll bve telling us corporate greed is bad.

    Hate them dems. Commie socialist intellectual homosexual moslem dems just want my tax money, while the saintly christian tolerant republicans want what's best for us all, as they have so clearly demonstrated for the last eight years.

  3. Property and sales taxes are local taxes, the president has no power to raise or lower them. In fact, in California it has been illegal to raise property taxes since the 70's, when a ballot initiative was passed making property tax increases unconstitutional.

    Obama will lower taxes for every family making less than 250,000 a year, while letting the Bush tax cuts expire for those who make more. That's how he will pay for more education spending.

    Sorry, but your right-wing disinformation tactics won't work this year.

    FYI, it's spelled "gaffe", maybe you need that increased education spending more than you think.

    RE: additional details:

    Putting aside for a moment the fact  that you just revealed that you knowingly asked a question that was based on a false premise, the president, through the Department of education, can increase funding to school districts so they can hire more teachers, that is what Obama will do.

  4. Don' t tell his supporters that.... He talks so much BS it isn't even funny.

  5. I guess the people posting here can't read.

    Obama promised the moon, which of course he can't deliver. When he still can't justify how he'll pay for all of this in November, he'll lose by a landslide.

  6. It was no gaffe on Obama's part.  It has been part of his plan all along.  Smart dems know it and don't want to enlighten those who remain in denial on dem taxing policies.

    They are hoping the rest of us are the same as they are - power hungry or in denial!

    As far as teachers go, what good will it do to recruit more, when they (bureaucrats) won't even let the teachers we currently have TEACH!

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