
Did Dublin have an outdoor ice rink a few years ago?

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I read somewhere online that it had a seasonal outdoor ice rink over November or December. Now I can't find anything about it online.

Anyone know anything about it?




  1. There are some in Dublin every year. Smithfield, Liffey Valley, RDS and all of them have a roof. It's quite cool. You should try it.  

  2. Yes, it has one every year, one at Liffey Valley and the other in the RDS.  I think one year it was in the IFSC.

    7-up sponsor it, i think its called Christmas on ice but I'm 100% sure.  

  3. yeah theres one in smithfeild in december, every year

  4. There was one the last 2 years at Smithfield and yes it had a roof. They all usually have a sort of tent roof to protect them from the rain. The ones in the movies are usually located in countries that have actual seasons rather than the perpetual monsoon that is the Irish climate, and so people there can skate under the stars, safe in the knowledge that a downpour won't melt the ice from under their feet in a matter of seconds.

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