
Did Eddie go off a bit early???

by Guest34250  |  earlier

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I reckon when Didaks name was mentioned in the Heath Shaw incident everybody smelt a RAT why did Eddie go off so early jumping down the medias throat, he should have had a quiet chat to both players and really put them under the pump, he, burns and the whole club now looks like bigger idiots than they already are, Didak should always be guilty until proven innocent.




  1. I think it's a bl00dy shame that people cannot understand that mates back each other up. It's the way it is, and how it ought to be, when a friend's in trouble you lend a hand.

    The Press love this sort of thing. Anyone that hates CFC will love this sort of thing. The world is against CFC over this incident. What do you expect CFC to do? Give up its mates? No bl00dy way. You are all a pack of idiots if you are baying for blood, a hysterical reaction to what you are being fed, and something the penalty for which has already been paid. Society has dealt with it. Now get over it.

    Let the forum stick to topics concerning the playing of the game, not the man.

  2. Of course Eddie Everywhere "went off" a bit early, that's his journalistic nature coming out and also it's his vain attempt to gazzump the media with his "righteous indignation". With the amount of money these lads are making, surely they could afford a taxi home or is that not macho enough for them. As I said yesterday, with CFC's appaling history of their players drink-driving one would have thought that it (the use of taxis) would be mandatory for all players. The players also have contractual obligations not to bring the game into disrepute and given that their on-field performance is so atrocious, what were they doing out drinking at that time of the night (morning)? Their actions showed an total lack of respect for the club, their fans and their teammates!!

  3. Eddie did what all presidents would do.

    Supported the player.

    How many chances do you give didak?

    Shaw should be suspended for the rest of the season and didak traded at season end.

    Trouble seems to follow Didak.

    Its a tough time at collingwood.

    Have lost 3 in a row, will probably lose this weekend and slip out of the 8.

    Thats what happens to dills.

  4. Yep, Eddie is a fool, Collingwood can do so much better than that idiot leading their club. Its not the only time he has put his foot in it.  

  5. Well Eddie sure looks pretty silly now, as do a few others who denied Didaks involvement. It appears to have been a pretty stupid thing to lie about given the fact that Didak's only responsibility was a moral obligation as a teammate to see that Heath Shaw didn't do anything stupid. But we all know the saying about leading a horse to water... Now Didak looks worse for not coming out and telling the truth from the beginning, and others at the club look foolish in the process. What Heath Shaw did was news, but Didak is only news because of the way that the situation has been mishandled. I think that all clubs encounter similar problems from time to time, but management at Collingwood need to take a good look at how they handle these situations in the future because they are losing a lot of dignity and respect from everyone.

  6. ****! I just looked at this question, thinking WTF, then i heard it on the radio! Just heard Didak was in the car. But to answer the question, Eddie is a wanker. He wanted himself to come out on top, and on the side of the general public, where as if he said that Didak was innocent until proven guilty, he would be in c**p. I find Eddie a total rat actually ( By the way, im an avid Collingwood suppoteer :P)

  7. I agree, Eddie and the club should have assumed Didak was involved with the drink driving incident regardless of what Heath said.  

    Just cant believe that Heath would go on TV and publicilty lie about Didak's involvement - im blushing at thought, its so embarressing both for Eddie, Scott Burns and the Collingwood FC.

  8. Just wondering, since when is being a drunken passenger a crime. If so I am a crim' many times over & I would think many many more passengers are as well. Just my thoughts

  9. The club had questioned both players at length before they faced the media apparently. So yes Eddie was made to look like a complete moron, but that it what will make it worse.

    I will be interested to see what the administrators dare to do with this. Eddie has made his own bed, now he has to lay in it. For Collingwood  to do nothing, would mean Eddie's words of anger will amount to nothing. If Collingwood don't act, the league must. It cannot allow players under its banner to be found guilty of illegal acts.

    If Collingwood now do not hand down suspensions, or even delisting's they will lose all face and not be able to control their players again. I would have thought that playing for a club that has had a tragedy due to drink driving by one of their own, you would not be stupid enough to drink and drive. I mean at the end of the day, it is not as though these blokes cannot afford to catch a cab.

    What, is there a sign over the Lexus Centre that says

    "Welcome to Collingwood. Please check you brain with the club Secretary"

  10. It was typical of Eddie to mouth off like he did. He has been missing the limelight & cameras of late & his acting performance was one of his best.

    It did not surprise me that Shaw & Didak told porkies - lets face it, neither of them are over enowed with brains. To think they could concoct such a story & people would believe it is ludicrous. Everyone knew that Collingwood wouldn't punish the Shaw a $10,000 fine out of his mega salary was chicken feed. The club will make that amount up to him by some other means in the future.

    No wonder Collingwood are sliding down the ladder. There is no discipline at the club. Discipline is needed both on & off the ground but this is not being shown by the players or those running the club.

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