
Did Edy's/Dreyer's offer any type of explanation for why their containers are smaller now?

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I haven't bought Edy's/Dreyer's in awhile, but I am wondering why the 2 quart ice cream container has been downsized to a 1.75 quart ice cream container, yet they are charging the same price.

Is this more of that anti-obesity dribble where they punish every consumer for others obesity? I've been eating ice cream all of my life and I am not overweight. But why didn't they bring down the price if they downgraded the size?




  1. food cost went up,you pay the same or more for less.

  2. idk, I really wish they'd make the containers bigger now, or just lower the price, like I luv their ice cream but its really weird the type of container.

    im pretty sure its against obiesety but Im also very skinny, and i eat ice cream ALOT


  3. 1. The cost of fuel is directly proportional to the cost of foods.

    2. People are way too fat, and really there is no need to be eating that much.

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