
Did Elvis have any ancestors in the American civil war ?

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also when did they arive in America and where from?




  1. Think about what you just asked. I don't think they want that in the army


    Presley Family History

    Elvis Presley is now a part of American History.

    Elvis occasionally visited the battlefield at Shiloh, not far from his home. He sometimes took friends and/or family to see the monuments and to teach them what he had learned about the battle. Elvis was very much aware that his roots were set during the War Between States, 1861 ~ 1865. His gggrandfather, Dunnan Presley, served for the Confederacy in Co. E of Ham's Regiment, MS cavalry as did many ancestral cousins.

    General John Bell Hood A gallant hero. A tall, blonde hair, blue-eyed southern gentleman whose life took a tragic turn after the battles at Gettysburg and Franklin. General Hood is an ancestral cousin of Minnie Mae Hood, the paternal grandmother of Elvis Presley.

    The Hood Family began, like the Pressley family, in North Carolina. The Hoods and Pressleys had intermarried since before the ancestors of General Hood removed to Kentucky.

    NORTH CAROLINA Presleys who fought at Gettysburg:

    (* Preslar/Presley/Pressley are one in the same family name)

    Preslar, Caswell* 43rd regiment, NC Infantry B - Rodes/Daniels

    Preslar, Henry C. 43rd regiment, NC InfantryK - Rodes/Daniels

    Preslar, Joseph W. 43rd regiment, NC Infantry B - Rodes/Daniel

    Preslar, Levi 43rd regiment, NC Infantry H - Rodes/Daniels

    Presler, Elijah 37th regiment, NC Infantry D - Pender/Lane (2nd)

    Presler, G.W.H. NC 2nd Regiment Infantry F - Rodes/Ramseur

    Presley, Anton 55th Regiment, NC Infantry H - Heth/Davis

    Presley, Caswell* 45th regiment, NC Infantry B - Rodes/Daniels

    Presley, Darlin NC 26th Regiment Infantry B - Heth/Pettigrew (1st)

    Presley, E.D. NC 26th Regiment Infantry B - Heth/Pettigrew

    Presley, G. NC 26th Regiment Infantry B - Heth/Pettigrew

    Presley, G.W.H. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry H - Early/Hoke

    Presley, Gilliam 43rd regiment, NC Infantry A - Rodes/Daniels

    Presley, Hosea 45th regiment, NC Infantry E - Rodes/Daniels

    Presley, John M. 43rd regiment, NC Infantry B - Rodes/Daniels

    Presley, John W. 43rd regiment, NC Infantry B - Rodes/Daniels

    Presley, Joseph 43rd regiment, NC Infantry B - Rodes/Daniels

    Presley, Lawson NC 18TH Regiment Infantry G - Pender/Lane

    Presley, Norman 34th regiment, NC Infantry F - Pender/Scales

    Presley, W.A. NC 13TH Regiment Infantry B - Pender/Scale

    Elias "Darling" Presley

    a/k/a Darlin Preslar/Pressler

    Enlisted on 2/14/1863 at Union County, NC as a Private.

    On 2/14/1863 he mustered into "B" Co. NC 26th Infantry and was present and fighting on into the Gettysburg campaign where he was wounded. He must have recovered for he was captured and taken prisoner in October of 1863. He died of disease as POW on 9/1/1864 at Point Lookout, MD. (Diarrhoea)

    He was listed as: * Wounded 7/1863 Gettysburg, PA

    * POW 10/14/1863 Bristoe Station, VA

    * Confined 10/16/1863 Old Capitol Prison, Washington, DC (Estimated day)

    * Transferred 10/27/1863 Point Lookout, MD

    {Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.: - North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster (c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. @}

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