
Did Erick Lindgren won golf prop bet?

by Guest66251  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Golf prop betting is one of the famous bets in golf. Erick Lindgren is a famed poker player and places bets usually on golf. Did he ever won a golf prop bet, please specify.




  1. Gavin Smith, Phil Ivey and a few others engaged in a crazy golf prop bet with Erick Lindgren three years ago. Lindgren had to play four full rounds of golf at Bear's Best in one day (in the middle of the Las Vegas summer), walking all four rounds while shooting from the pro tees. Oh, and Lindgren also had to shoot under 100 in all four rounds. Lindgren ended up winning, though the challenge definitely took a physical toll on him.

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Latest activity: 11 years, 2 month(s) ago.
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