
Did Erick lindgren won his 2007 golf bet?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Erick lindgren is a famous poker player, he is always on a lookout for betting challenges. I want to know did he won 2007 golf bet, and bagged $350,000.




  1. On June 27, 2007, Erick won a $350,000 prop bet with Gavin Smith, Phil Ivey  and others. To win the bet, Erick had to play four consecutive rounds of golf at Las Vegas' "Bear's Best" golf course between sunrise and sunset. He had to carry his own bags and shoot under 100 in each of the four rounds. Temperatures reached 106 degrees and symptoms of heat exhaustion set in, but Erick won the bet. He said on a PokerListings interview that he lost 12 pounds during the bet.[4]

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