
Did Europeans colonize America 17000 years ago?

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Did the alleged ice-bridge over the Atlantic allow Europeans to colonize America and is the fact that US indigenous people have a quarter of their DNA in common with Europeans proof of this?




  1. So you watched Nova too.

    Actually, DNA test have proven the Americas have been occupied for about 50,000 years.

    Another good program; Discovery Channel's "The Real Eve."  It'll open your eyes. (Proves that the Native Americans, at least some of them, are directly related to the ancient Greeks.)

  2. I've been reading about my Indian heritage and the book I'm reading says:  Some 35,000 years ago and more, when man is KNOWN to have been migrating through eastern Siberia, the continents were joined.  Despite the presence of great glaciers, there were many areas in the north, including the "land bridge" and much of Alaska, that were free of ice barriers, and it is probable that at this time men first entered North America.  There were certain cold periods when glaciers covered many parts of the northern portion of the earth.  Since much of the oceans' waters were congealed in the glaciers, the sea level at those times fell as much as 300 feet or more, exposing large new land areas.  The water  between Alaska and Siberia, from the Aleutions to Bering Strait, is less that 300 feet deep.  So all, or most, of that area must have been above water like a huge plain, forming a land connection at times almost a thousand miles wide from north to south.  Exactly who they were and what parts of Asia they had originally come from may never be known.  It is not even certain that the so-called "races" of man, as we think of them, had yet evolved.  The first arrivals in the New World would have left Asia before they had taken on pronounced Mongoloid features and may be thought to have evolved in the Americas as a "race" unto themselves.  There have been a number of discoveries in Mexico and the southwestern and western parts of the United States that have been endorsed by reputable archeologists ....suggesting  man's occupation of various locations betweem 30,000 to 40,000 years ago.  Then about 25,000 yers ago came a warming period when the glaciers melted, and the two continents were again separated by water.  The people here were trapped.  Then 15,000 more years went by before more people were able to cross over from Asia.  They used radio-carbon method to test and newer methods of the hydration of their finds to confirm the sites  of human remains.

  3. colonisation is done on purpose. some ancient Europeans from the solutrean era may have ended up in north America and contributed to the gene pool.

  4. I am so tired of people asking these questions.  I am glad that people want to be educated but that's not really is going on.  You just want people to support your viewpoint.  And it's ridiculous.

    No one can Prove that Natives are related to Europeans or the Ancient Greeks.  What a load of crock.  Have you ever heard of scientific racism?  Scientists can barely figure our DNA today but the first thing they jump at is to say Natives are White.  I wonder why?  And the Land Bridge theory, look into it.  There is little to no proof for it.  There is, however, an abundance of proof against it.

    I mean, I know why this idea is so prevelant.  No one wants to recognize the horrible history of this country.  If Natives migrated here then they have the same claim to land as Europeans, right? Well, it's just not true.  There is scientific evidence that also supports Natives oral tradition that speaks of a different chain of events.  Why not spread that information?  Isn't it better to support a culture than to break it down with so-so science?

    I mean, why don't we all get educated.  And let us support each other.  And can we please fight against media stereotypes and scientific racism.

    Oh and I can back up my knowledge with a book too. "Red Earth White Lies" by Vine Deloria Jr.

  5. i feel they came from the west and were indo and not from the European stock that came from the crossing of the Atlantic at that period in time, the western bad lands were immersed

  6. There is some evidence of this. That Nova show summed it up pretty well. It's still considered more of a fringe theory though, as there really isn't that much evidence to support it, no matter how closely Solutrean and Clovis artifacts resemble each other. There is a lot more evidence to support the migration from Asia, for instance

  7. Anyone who believes the Americas have been inhabited by homo sapiens for 50,000 years, or that the Greeks colonized the Americas is extremely gullible.

    There is some scanty evidence that suggests humans may have been in the Americas before the Clovis migrations, but not by more than a few thousand years. I have not seen any credible evidence that Europeans migrated to North America 17,000 years ago. Such a theory is not supported by any archaeological, linguistic, or genetic studies done by any real scientist. The theory itself is, however, not entirely implausible in my mind.

  8. uh... no.

    Not at all true.

    Dude... all humans share 43% of their DNA with bananas and something like 97% of their DNA with chimpanzees. Humans themselves all have over 99% of their DNA in common. Check your facts.

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