
Did Eva Braun know about the Holocaust?

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if so, to what extent?




  1. Eva Braun was raised as a Catholic as such she had been thoroughly indoctrinated as to the 'Evil Jew' long before she met Hitler.  Like most good Catholic Eva viewed Hitler's campaign against the Jews as a Holy Crusade and though she may not have had intimate details as too what was being done to 'resettle' the Jews, she was certain that her beloved Adolf was working heroically to resolve 'the problem.'  There is actually valid debate as to how much Hitler knew.  Hitler was happy simply to hear that 'the problem' was being dealt with and felt that Himmler was quite capable of carrying out his wishes.  Hitler was 'happy' to watch films of Jews being gunned down in occupied Russia and along with his audience, including Eva, was perfectly fine with the narrator intoning, "Jewish Partisans executed for their crimes," a lie later shared with ordinarry Germans who eagerly watched these films at their local cinema.  

    At the time the Holocaust was happening the messy details were largely unknown; people as high up the food chain as Hitler all the way down to the lowliest citizen were happy to hear whatever lies Himmler told them;; 'filthy unclean Jews dying of Typhus,' believeable, 'Jewish Terrorists executed by heroic n**i soldiers,' believable, as evidenced by Americans during the openning years of the Iraq War, it is easy to believe what one's Government chooses to tell them.

    Eva was more cocerned with providing a cosy domestic retreat for Adolf, her reward was marriage followed by a cyanide capsule.


  2. It's likely that she knew to a certain extent about the Holocaust, it's amusing that anyone would think that Hitler didn't know all that much about it.  Nothing on that scale could have ever happened in n**i Germany without Hitler's knowledge and support.  All you have to do is look at what the n***s called it "The Final Solution" that was taken directly from Hitlers book, Hitler knew and approved of it all but Eva Braun probably only knew about some of it.

  3. Yes, she did.

    Eva was known as a placid and courteous figure, however then again... she was married to the most evil man in modern history. She knew about the happenings operating across Germany, Poland, Austria, etc.

    At some times I think she felt disgusted and miserable at what she had gotten herself into. However, she was probably scared at the same time that Hitler would do something to her if she spoke on her thoughts.

    What could she do?

    Hope this helped!


  4. i assume that youre speaking of the concentration camps and death camps in the 40's...........the n***s started gassing the metally retarded and severely handicapped in the 30's............believe it or not.......i think that most germans including eva braun knew there were some type of concention camps but not specifically death camps.........lets not forget most of the camps were outside germany............lets not forget the media was controlled by the state........any news you got was from them......they were not likely to mention the concentration/death camps..........i think that most germans went on about their lives just thinking of themselves..........i consider eva braun just another german........i dont believe that she made any n**i policy regarding the holocaust.........although she did have access to many different poweful n**i leaders............the killing of civillians in the camps just wasnt talked about in the party...........just like the killing of german civilians from the allied bombing wasnt talked about in the u.s homefront

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