
Did Flight 77 really hit the Pentagon on 9/11?

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I saw a lots of videos that show it didn't happen. It wasn't a Boeing 757, but another thing...




  1. Yes

  2. idk. But i've seen video's on youtube saying that those flights landed at an airforce base and all the people got off the planes so that emtpy planes could hit the towers and the pentagon. But our eyes can trick us all, so don't believe anything you see.

  3. It did. It was tracked from takeoff until just before it impacted.

  4. Yeah, I talked to a pilot who was working at the Washington National Airport that day, who actually saw it.  He also talked to the controller who verified it was an American 757.  I also toured the Pentagon, and saw the memorial in the area where it hit.  I don't believe all the conspiracy people.  They have no evidence, only questions.  Don't waste your time.

  5. Absolutely!  There was evidence all over the ground in front of the building on the lawn.  Lets see...damaged light poles, damaged vehicles, aircraft panels and parts...yup.

  6. hmmm...good question....well i have seen the video and it was quite difficult for me to see a plane although the building did explode in that area...sure would be helpful if we  were able to see some of the video in surrounding areas.

  7. Yes--at 9:37.  There were plenty of people that saw it.  

    Why?  Where do you think it went?

  8. yep right into it

  9. no one really knows what hit the pentagon i heard that they thought it was a misile and some said it was an aircraft but wounldn't it be a experienced pilot to fly a plane less than 100 feet of the ground and not hit nothing

    i don't think no one knows

  10. hmmmmm did the twin towers really fall and did all those people die, yes it really hit the pentagon do you not watch the news were you not around when it happened?

  11. I really dont know. Ive heard all of the conspiracies. I just watched the tape of flight 77 hitting the pentagon on youtube and you dont see an airplane you only see an explosion! I got no clue

  12. Yes it did.

  13. It depends who you ask. I'm not an expert on the subject, but I don't think it did. Personally, I think all of 9/11 was an inside job.


    Here read this.

    The video you are talking about it only caputures footage every second. A Aircraft moving well over 500 MPH is why you do not see it.

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