
Did George Bush have Ken Lay killed?

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George Bush had a lot to gain by Ken Lay not talking. Did he have Ken Lay killed?




  1. No, Ken Lay died of natural causes.  

    However, another Enron executive *did* commit suicide right after the company's collapse; this news story has been all but forgotten.  The question is:  *why* would he have committed suicide if the worst crime they committed was "cooking the books"?

  2. No I don't think so. Where did you get that silly idea.from.

  3. No

    What is it like over there in the twilight zone.

  4. Laura Scudder killed him!

  5. As shady as George Bush is, I still doubt that he would have had Ken Lay killed. I'm not 100% sure that he's dead or just living on some island somewhere with an assumed identity.

    To answer the person above me, the executive probably killed himself for a couple of reasons. First, I have no doubt that he participated in some insider trading. Many of the top executives in Enron did this. They sold a bunch of their stock in the months leading up to the public announcement of the deceptive accounting going on at Enron. Another reason to commit suicide would be to avoid the backlash from the general public that bought up Enron stock like it was the world's greatest commodity only to find out later that they had been deceived by off-balance sheet accounting practices.

    Anyways, I'm off on a tangent now. I had the pleasure to work with about 15 former Enron people last year. All really good people - not the people that had insider information. The sad thing is that a lot of them had worked there for their entire professional lives and lost not only a job, but also their pension benefits accrued when Enron went under.

  6. Come on dude, Bush isn't running for office. But I have it on good authority that,  he did whack him and dumped the body next your house. That might mean that you can be implicated in the crime.

  7. Ken Lay killed himself by stopping his heart medication.

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