
Did George Bush really ordered killings unarmed civilians in Iraq?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You have to quit watching such trash!  How could you believe that garbage?

  2. i think

  3. Yes, he told me to when we were on the golf course.

  4. Of course, he said something along the lines of killing everyone who gets in the way.

  5. No.  Any such order would be an illegal order and it is the duty of every service member to refuse to obey it.

    If these "soldiers" and "marines" on the Allegra video truly felt that what they were ordered to do was illegal, then they should have reported it.

    I have no empathy for these traitors.

  6. Does a far left code pink sponsored video actually have credibility. Some of these idiots are probably not even real soldiers as was the case a few years back when a pretend soldier was going around spewing garbage and was subsequently arrested for it....

  7. yea

    he's a jerk

  8. Yes, and then he shaved those kittens, and had that dog thrown off the cliff... He is so mean. I hear he even made his twins learn how to read.

  9. What a silly question; of course he did and he also was responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Great Depression, the rise of Hitler and World War Two.  He is guilty of all those things.  He has spent a lot of time, three days a week I hear, running around Iraq giving orders to soldiers and Marines personally so they would be forced to do those terrible things.  The order to do that would have been illegal and the fact they carried out illegal orders means they would be just as guilty as the person giving the order.

  10. Yup he did.

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