
Did George Bush really tell people to shop after the terrorist attacks?

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Just watched a video and it quoted this, anyone know the truth?




  1. Yes, but not how you make it seem.  It was a speech about not letting the terrorists win and trying to maintain the normal American way of life.  There were other things included in there too as examples.  It wasn't a directive.

  2. The only thing that the average American can really do in times like these is go one with their lives. Who really knows what the truths are in this matter. The thing that is really sad is that there are so many self-important people in the world. I realize my own insignificant contribution. And with our country as divided as it apparently is, there would be only a handful backing anything else we could do. One important thing for us to realize (which is probably a scant trace of the country) is that it all comes from dirt and goes back to dirt. We, as individuals, should come to understand how meaningless all of this is. I guess we should shop and enjoy our relationships with our friends and show them compassion in these times. It is this aspect of human life that really makes the most difference.

  3. yes he did and i wouldve too.  i lived in manhattan at wtc and can tell you, with all the distortion from the liberal party, its easy to get the wrong story about what happened at 911.  Life in Nyc for us just completely stopped.  What George was referring to was very important, and for us at the time very inspiring.  putting the comment back into context, what he meant and what the rest of the speech talks about is live your life.  

    what we, as new yorkers wanted to hear was life would go on and that america was strong enough to survive.  as a new yorker that day, i watched the streets turn to an eerie quiet.  broadway, for the first time that i could remember was dark and vacant.  i had seen people scared to come out of their homes and when i had seen the building come down, people in the middle of the street at the grand avenue overpass sobbing bitterly.

    it took me half a day to grab a cell phone line from verizon to let my 80 year old mother in ohio know i was still alive.  i was not on this earth at the time of the holocaust, but i truly believe if i was that the horror, the stench and the absolute desolation i had seen wouldve been very similar.  seven years later, as i think about that day, i can remember every second and what i did but little of the day before or the days after.

    my point in this is to let you know that there was much more to life in nyc beyond what the thirty seconds on the national news told you.  try imagining if you can shopping for groceries in nyc while asking for permisision from a national guardsmen with a shotgun and a dog.  14th and canal a month later was in a foot thick of ash and i had personally seen the philharmonic playing chamber music, while people climbed the manufactured stairs to look over the fence at the desolation and get some hope that maybe, just maybe their loved one might be alive.

    at that time, we in new york needed our president.  certainly not the one before who had cared more about his physical gratification than in defending this country from al qaeda.  the comment was well intentioned and right on the mark.  at night, weeks later, rudy guiliani had put a landmark in the sky of two beacons shining where the towers were.  i dont cry often but seeing that and thinking about the horror id lived through made me lose was probably the other moment i needed to process what happened.

    i urge you as a 911 survivor PLEASE dont allow yourself to be sucked in by the diatribe of the liberals regarding george bush.  he did exactly what was done at the time needed to do it.  i was proud then and am proud now to call him my president...and do know this comes from someone who was there, NOT someoone who read about it and the comments are from the heart, not from a script.

  4. yeah he did. he said to continue with your daily life don't let the terrorists win by keeping you in fear. bush had the hearts and minds of america at that time too bad he blew it.

  5. I am certain he did tell Americans to shop...but I am not certain which disaster he said it after.

    If shopping was a cure the world would already be heaven.

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