
Did Georgia Bring This Attack Upon Themselves?

by Guest32195  |  earlier

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Allow me to begin by stating my unwavering support for the nation of Georgia in this current conflict, however, it seems to me that the Georgian government made a huge political blunder- by escalating this conflict last Thursday by being the first to open fire...

What was this tiny nation thinking? Were they blinded by pride or is it something much deeper? Surely they weren't thinking that the Americans who are already running low with its forces stretched to the brink in Afghanistan and Iraq was going to take on the Russian military on their behalf... Did they?

What is your opinion... Why did Georgia make such a huge military blunder?




  1. it doesn't matter

    you know the USA are Hippocrates, and will step in, like soon watch' come on now, lets face facts   only the USA has the right to go around the world and invade smaller countries in the name of freedom and protection,   Russia knows this LOL  they got the memo lmao   please

    this whole thing is about to get out of control and fast   seriously people

    Russia and the USA will not back down from each other.  really, what do you think will happen.  biological bomb from Iran

    kill all the people, and leave the buildings intact    ****   this whole thing is the worse nuclear powered stand off we've had since the cuban missile crisis    this makes that look stupid

  2. They tried to join NATO and they have a pipeline, that's about it.

    Georgia was totally justified in trying to recapture South Ossetia. South Ossetia was not recognized as an independent nation by any international body like the UN, NATO or the EU. I don't think Georgia wanted this, Putin wanted this.

  3. they put to much faith in george.

  4. News And Jobs-

  5. It is not the nation, but the president of Georgia.

    Just look at how Georgian President runs for cover just from the sounds resembling artillery fire and you would understand, that the righteous person would never be afraid for his life.  

  6. The truth is that Georgians attacked South Ossetia on Friday, 08.08.08, thinking all the world would watch opening ceremony of Olympic games and they can commit their offences secretly. They killed more than 2000 of South Ossetian people, destroyed Tskhinvali (main city in South Ossetia), then Georgian commandos began to throw grenades in a cellars where women and children were hiding.

    The answer is as simple as that: Misha (Saakashvili) felt a support of US, that's why.


  7. The Georgian president ascended to power with the promise to bring the two defacto-independant nations back into Georgian control.  With his army armed and trained by the US, he foolishly felt confident enough to make good on his promise.

    Unfortuantely, this is not the first instance of a US trained army resorting to military means to settle what could have been resolved through diplomacy.

    Innocent people die yet again for the misadventures of those safe from harm.

  8. Actually the South Ossetian rebels attacked the georgian military first. Georgia responded by moving into South Ossetia which is legally their territory so I wouldn't say that they started it. They were only responding to an attack that took place by rebels within their own sovereign nation.

  9. Yeah... -I think they Did. They were like the nervy "little guy"- taunting the BIG Russian Bear, with "This is MY Neighborhood, I'll do what I want- & you can't do ANYTHING about it..!"  Well, they were Wrong... And the "Bear" is eating them up...  :(

  10. Really no one knows who open first. second off russia is wrong as they going to a tettority that isnt there.

    Georgia has all the right to portect there land. why do you think have of everyone else agrees with Bush when russia needs to cease-sea fired.

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