
Did Germany just raise it's drinking age from 16 to 18?

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Did Germany just raise it's drinking age from 16 to 18?




  1. nope.

    Germany does not have one standard drinking age, anyway.

    There are different ages based on what kind of alcohol - beer, wine, spirits, or "alcopops" - mixed soda & spirits. It also depends on where they are, and who they are with.

    Beer, hard cider and other similar fermented but not distilled alcoholic drinks may be served to teens 16 and older in public bars & restaurants, as long as they are not already drunk. Beer and hard cider may be served to teens under 16 if they are accompanied by a legal guardian.

    Any alcohol may be served to teens 18 or older.

    More importantly - Germany has laws for the protection of minors, which take far potential dangers into account than just beer. For example, there are strict regulations concerning violence in video games, or movies.

    Check out the full text of the law as published on an official German government website - even with translations into English, French, Russian, Spanish and Turkish!! No excuses to not know...

    :) Greetings from Germany!

  2. Dont think so. Never heard of that before

  3. I just searched the news sites, it doesn't look like it, where did you get your information?

  4. Beer, 16, alcohol 18. The rules change a bit based on new items and regios of the country, but that is the basic rule.

    Here is a recent photo from a store:

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