
Did God come to earth as a man?

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Four authors testify that He did. Imagine a modern movie made with this premise. Totally awsome !

He performed "miracles". Tried to teach us about life, and then died in our place so that we might live eternally. This is so far above the imagination of man that it must be true. How can you NOT read your Bible?




  1. Please read the BIBLE. the answer is there & it is yes.

  2. Jesus was God manifested. He was of God, the Son of God. He was given all power and authority from God. But he was not God, The Father, The creator of Heaven and Earth. Jesus was accused by the Pharisees for "likening himself to God (calling himself God)" Does Jesus say "yep", or "but I am" he said, is it not written in your law that, I have said “ye are Gods?” This is making reference to  Psalm 82. God calls the judges Gods by giving them authority. This would seem like a separation rather than a likening. Same with, the father is greater than I, not my will but yours (God), he referred to God as HIS God. This is directly contrary to the “equal and co-eternal” theory.

    If you are interested in more info, see the below link. It is amazing.

  3. Yes. Jesus is the human form of God.

  4. i agree with see dee

  5. Yes. In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead/Trinity, bodily. Colossians 2:9

  6. There are billions and billions of other worlds out there.

    All with life and the ability to think, observe, and dream.

  7. Well blind people notoriously find reading difficult.

  8. The answer to your question is no. If you read your bible your premises are false. If he was God, why did ask father to forgive them when he was on the cross? Was God talking to himself?

  9. Yes, and He lives as our High Priest and King to bring us through the door of the Holy of Holies into the very Presence of Our God. Jesus Christ our Savior.  by the power of His endless life keeps us. Thank You Lord.

  10. no. o.O

    god sent jesus...

    you say "read your bible", but you're not considering the whole thing. A) The israelites didn't worship "jesus" B) Jesus referred to himself as the "son of man" many times(god would never label himself as that)... C) Jesus said he was god's son....

    D) The bible was written using ideas that everyday people of the time could understand in simple terms(man, people today can't even understand trinitarian doctrine...)

    E) Jesus was called a high preist(this was while he was back in heaven). preists-  a) make sacrifices to their "god(s)" b) lead in worshipping their "god(s)" and c) mediate between their "god(s)" and the worshipers of the "god(s)"

    o... PS... if they made a movie of the entire bible it would be pretty cool, but probably be like rated X

  11. ....................what?

    ....ok then

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