
Did God create animals for us to eat?

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I want to know if God made animals for us to eat and why.




  1. Nope, but Cadburys created chocolate for us to eat....Mmmmm!

    But seriously though. I am vegetarian, so share your feelings. But if you believe in the Bible, then yes, as the Bible has the stories about scarificial animals, Jesus and the loaves and fishes etc. I think God created Humans with the the brain and the free thinking to make their own eating decisions.

  2. Someone would have to prove the existence of God before this has any relevance.

    I could just as easily say that God put women on Earth to serve men and no one could prove that God disagrees with the statement.

    I prefer to base my decisions on REALITY rather than mythology and I prefer that women have control over their own lives. I believe that the two go together quite well.

  3. Actually no he didn't.

    "For I tell you truly, he who kills, kills himself, and whoso eats

    the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death. For in his blood every drop of their blood turns to poison; in his breath their breath to stink; in his flesh their flesh to boils; in his bones their bones to chalk; in his bowels their bowels t o decay; in his eyes their eyes to scales; in his ears their ears to waxy issue. And their death will become his death."

    "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

    (Notice the word 'for')

  4. personally i really doubt that the all so mighty god, created animals, for humans, who are also animals to torture, kill, or eat.

    we are animals as well, and if a baby sheep (lamb) deserves to be killed, just for our taste buds, then so does a human baby.

    we don't need to eat meat, people can survive without it, yes, in the cave man days we needed meat to survive, but we have moved on, we no longer walk around bare foot, but yet we are still killing helpless, innocent animals, for pure enjoyment or because they taste nice.

  5. Yeah because God Hates Animal.

    Didn't you know "hate" is a characteristic of God? duh.

  6. ...Yes...  see Acts, chapter 10 vs. 13.   then too, animals are for a-lot more thingsd as well...  but food is a part of it.

  7. Does God exist...I don't believe in god but I don't eat animals either. Not just because people think it's cruel, but because I generally don't like meat.  I do disagree with intensive farming ect, but that's by the by, if I liked meat I would eat it in small amounts and stuff that has been treated fairly

    So, if God does exist, it says in the bible that we are to RULE them and be MASTERS, which means that we are to use them to our will aswell. HOWEVER, it does also say not to kill, but animals apparently don't have souls, and the two golden rules are love god and love your neighbour...animals aren't god or your neighbour, so that throws that commandment also says all the animals we cant eat which include pigs...but most christians don't follow that. AND god asked for animal sacrifices so tbh I don't think gods too bothered about us eating meat...

    I don't disagree with eating animals. My whole family eats it and so does my boyfriend, if people want to eat meat it's their choice my usual advice though is to get free range. Because they've had a good life, they've not been sat in their own waste and they're apparently a lot tastier.

    If you like meat, eat it, just don't eat loads because in the end we can use a field to raise 1 cow or 1 tonne of wheat, with all the starving people, I know what I'd rather do...

  8. i dont think that God created animals for us to eat. the people in the Bible they lived a long time just by eating fruits and vegetables and as time goes on we started eating meat and stuff and thats how our life span got short till now. Ask God if u need help.

  9. Look maybe he did and maybe he didn't no one is forcing you to eat meat if you don't want to eat meat the don't.

    if you do well maybe you should keep away from the vegetarian & vegan sections.

    form the perspective of the major religions there are no rules saying you must eat meat.

    most of the christian religions (these are the ones I am familiar with) accept that the world did not come into being as described in the old testament.

  10. NO even though im buddhist I know that in the bible somewhere in like proverb 12:15 it states that animals are not meant to be eaten so its like a sin when you think about it.............our stomach arent even designed to digest flesh it rots instead people can live without murdering things and should

  11. Depending on how you read the Bible.  Either he did.  Or he didn't originally intend us to eat them but he has no problem with us doing it now, he made some rules about what animals were good but later repealed them.  The people that say that Adam and Eve were vegans really stretching the scripture to the limits.  There are only a few lines about Adam and Eve before they got the boot and it does not say what they ate.

    That's just the God of Abraham.  Out of the thousands of others only one or two say it's not OK to eat meat.

  12. If you believe in the bible it says that "all things on earth are for man's consumption". I don't think this means strictly food, but it definitely doesn't exclude it.

  13. If you're referring to the Judeo-Christian God, the answer is no.  According to Genesis, they were created before man, and man was originally given only plants for food.

    Genesis 1:29:

    And God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.

    Later, after the flood, God gave man animals for food as well.

    Genesis 9:3:

    Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and as I gave you the green vegetables and plants, I give you everything.

  14. No. There are no gods so they didn't create anything. Animals evolved just like humans did.

    Also, according to the old stories, Jesus was eating fish and lamb.

  15. I don't believe in god, but I find it hard to believe that a just and merciful creator would put sentient beings with the capacity for suffering and rich emotional lives on the planet to be confined, tortured and killed to satisfy someone's tastebuds.  I can't respect a god like that if he does exist.

  16. yes if god create us for animals to eat .god create cow milk for  cow baby but we drink cow milk is not mean god create milk for us.i think what we like we think god create for us

  17. As an avid atheist I would say that 'God' did not create animals for consumption.  As a vegetarian I say 'if you wouldn't eat a human, you shouldn't eat an animal'.  Animals and humans were created by a fluke of nature.  There are no rules.

  18. who knows what god had in mind, or if there is a god, and if there is a god which religion has it right.

    Animals have been eaten  other animals and by man since the beginning of whenever we came about.  I

    Why would God create Carnivorous animals, if he did not want them to eat each other.  

    I think that if you respect animal, and then the meat of the animal you decide to eat or cook is respected and not is not a bad thing.

    Animals were created for some reason, who knows why... but they taste good, and keep me healthy.

  19. Even assuming the existence of a god, and that said god created animals for humans to eat, this god did NOT create factory farms or modern slaughterhouse practices.  Nor would any benevolent supreme being approve of them.

  20. i personally think god placed them on the earth for us to eat. because as humans we need to have meat and a well balanced diet. you also have soy meat if you dont want to eat the real meat.

  21. Yes,unfortunately.

    But nowadays humans can eat animal free products.

  22. I think everything was created to work with each other so a slug would eat a plant a cat a slug a fox a cat e.c.t i guess if we really don't need to eat animals then we shouldn't or at the very least kill them in a humane way since we have the ability to do that and treat them in a humane way and above all not waste them.

    Originally when we lived in caves yes we would have to eat animals to survive.

  23. Yes and No, yes because we have the capability to eat meat so we can, if other animals were as smart as us then they would eat us, and sometimes yes they are smarter then some people thats why those people get eaten, No because I dont believe in a fictional character "GOD", so no god didnt make animals for food, but yes because animals are food for humans so we can eat them. I want to know why people are so worked up about killing animals and not about the americans inhumanely slaughtering Iraqis and Afgani's for oil

  24. yes its for us to eat and without much bubbling i will say one thing

    Since when human ate meat

    it was since old days when human was led by his/her instinct

    no one taught the tiger to eat meat? or the lion ,,

    there are many creatures eat meat and veggies together

    the bad thing about meat industry is in usa,,they are treating animals very bad ,as if they have no rights at all that’s why many people after watching some programs stop eating meat cause they felt that this is against being a human

    they forgot that we are cruel creatures and we are killing each others without mercy not to eat but to take money and steal and own lands

    This is in us

    for me in Europe they don’t  treat animals that way and there are many farms now are serving organic meat which has no hormones ,,and letting the animal live its life good and even when they kill it they don’t hurt it or give it pain

    i would suggest that merciful hearts should go to Afghanistan or try to prevent s*x slavery ,,

    its not that i don’t care for animals i love animals so much but when loving animals step towards worshiping and put it with human in one level that’s what i don’t accept

    for those who don’t eat meat cause of the animal rights i wont say much cause its their lives and i dont have any right  to judge them but i don’t want them to judge us cause we eat meat once in a week or twice

    we wont make wars cause of animals

    i miss old days when there was much wise people that talk about god and faith and humanity ,,i m seeing that human is getting now less then animals in many countries and this hurts

    yes god doesn’t create anything in the world without benefit and for those who dont believe in god it made me laugh from the bottom of my heart so you don’t believe in the one who made you a human and you are believing in animals?

    i hate wearing fur though ,,but the wool of the sheep wont hurt to make me warm ,,and it doesn’t  hurt it ,,the idea is stop being cruel ,,the meat industry is very bad ,,but to leave everything from animals this is a waste and if you lose every veggie and see an animal you will eat it ,,you wont die from hunger cause there is no veggie

  25. No and neither did any god authorise circumision, stoning to death, tithing, refusing blood transfusions, or the other stupid things humans have created in ignorance.

  26. If God did create animals to eat I am sure he didn't intend for them to be treated so cruelly.

    Genesis says that God stated that we were to eat of the plants of the earth.

    God must be so ashamed of the way we treat animals.  They are his creatures just as we are.  He wouldn't want us to suffer.  He died so for our sins and so we wouldn't have to suffer.

    Who will die for the animals suffering?  Who will stop it?  Certainly not meat eaters.  So many people would rather not know where their meat comes from.  I found out and I don't eat meat anymore.

    I have too much love in my heart to support suffering of innocent creatures.  I can't not care now that I know.

  27. No, God did not create animals for people to eat: They were created as companions for mankind. He made fruit trees and plants for people to eat.

  28. I've heard it said that God created us to be vegetarians. Besides, before the fall there was no death. If there was no death then there would be no killing.

    I've heard it said that after people came off the ark people began eating meat.

    If you listen to health talk shows, they are constantly finding new things about certain meats and animals products that are bad for you.(deseases/uncleanness)

    But they are constantly finding certain things about fruits and vegetables and plants and herbs that are really good for you (vitamins/minerals/fibers)

    Animal products contain no fiber at all. All fiber comes from plant products. Fibers are so incredibly important. They are like SOS pads that clean out your insides.

    So, I don't know if it was ever God's intention for us to eat meat. But if it was God's intention for us to be vegetarians, then scientifically speaking, it makes sense.

  29. I hear this so much with religious ppl.They always argue with me how god made meat for us,that its says so in the bible and therefore im given permission and they don't feel guilty for the pain caused. I definitely think there weren't made for us to eat,they are sentient animals like we are.

  30. Animals exist for their own reasons. They are no more made for man than blacks were made for whites or women for men.

  31. When God created the earth, nothing was intended to die. God loved his creation, and even created the animals before us. When he created man, he created it in his image. He gave us dominion over everything on the earth, for it's care (NOT it's exploitation). After sin entered the world, death entered the scene. This is when we all became blood thirsty, and animals started eating each other. When an animal is brutally killed in nature, it's a result of the law of sin and death that now exsists because of sin. The garden of eden grew thorns, and women had pain in childbirth. Things were not supposed to be this way.

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