
Did God really create life, or were we created by nature.?

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I believe in God, it's just that I want to know




  1. GOd created us and all living things :)

  2. Why can't it be both?

  3. Man created God(s).

  4. god created life no one is born by nature

  5. Isn't that the point - you are not supposed to know, just believe/have faith? Anyway, if we were created by nature, from where did nature get the ingredients? God!

  6. There's the issue eh?  God created Nature.

    There are some nay sayers that are proponents of the BIG BANG.  In a nut shell, "one day there was nothing...and then it exploded."  Any student of logic would chuckle at that.

    It's a variation of the "Chicken or the egg."  In the final analysis one would have to say that something started it all off.  My belief is God.


  8. All of creation sprang from the navel of Vishnu

  9. Haven't you heard, the debate is over....we have the fossils

  10. Google 'Hubble space telescope' - there are amazing photos of distant galaxies - can't say I've ever seen a guy with a beard anywhere though...

  11. I'm not sure why this is in History rather than Religion, but...

    We were created by nature.  Evolved would be a more accurate term though.  The evidence for that is overwhelming.

    Whether God was involved in the whole process is another question.  I have my own feelings on that one, but now we're getting into opinion and religious belief, and away from things that can be verified scientifically.

  12. God and nature are seen as the same things in some religions.

    Obviously the answer depends upon your faith and religion. There is no definitive answer.

  13. Right Moose, and who or what created God? You can't just say that the big bang came from nothing, yet that God always existed. Saying that God always existed and created nature from nothingness is no more logical than saying that the everything emerged from the big bang, and even less so because it suggests that God was always there.

  14. God created the nature that has the capability to reproduce or replenish the Earth without direct divine intervention.

  15. God created hvn and earth in 7 days, including life.  

    He is the Almighty God the Alpa and the Omega and one day we will see hvn for ourselfs!!

  16. I personnaly believe that God and nature are one and the same , and therefore both must be given our greatest respect and reverence.

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