
Did God really get a Jewish housewife pregnant?Did she really have a magical baby called Jebus?

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Where did Christianity actually come from?Weren't many other religions also based on a similar theme of God having a son who was on Earth?




  1. Half of the catholic bible is jewish.

    Jesus was Jewish.


    I doubt it about the housewife. would have been more popular.

  2. First of all his name is Jesus don't you have spell check? Second ask an intelligent question not an ignorant one. when you come up with the right question re-ask and I will answer for you.

  3. Yes Jebus, that's who it was!

  4. No. A teenage girl had a baby without being married. They hid the girl so the primitive people wouldnt kill her for infidelity. Then they made up a story for it.

  5. I presume you are talking about my Lord and saviour JESUS CHRIST, who is the Son of God.

    He was not born to a housewife, so if you are trying to ask an intelligent question please do try and at least get your facts right, and use your spell check in order to stop everyone from laughing at your ignorance.  Dear, dear me.

  6. jebus, hahaha that made my day. Christianity came from... actually i dont know... maybe someone made it up...

  7. oh man! thanks for making me laugh this early in the morning!  

    "it's me!  the magical baby jebus!"  That's pure comedic gold.

    The first answerer (ticolensic) had me laughing too.  

    good times fellas.  good times.

  8. Christianity actually came about after the death of Jesus when Paul went about doing his ministry and writing letters.  People followed his word about Jesus and started banning together to become the first christians.  Other religions basing their theme about God having a son on Earth...well I have yet to encounter another one.

  9. $hit, some people really need to lighten up and stop taking life so seriously!

    Baby Jebus. Love it! :-)

  10. I read a lot of books, and basically what they taught me about Christianity was that it pretty much started out of fear and ignorance.  Back in the day people didn't know WHY they were here or WHAT to do with themselves, so they created religion to give them a purpose and basis for life.  I am NOT trying to bash any religion, just re-itterating what I have read somewhere.  Christianity is a very powerful and convincing mistake.  There is just too many things about religion that don't quite make much sense.  I believe in GODS not GOD.  I like the mythology of the Greeks.  Who know's if any of it was real, but the stories are definatly based off of something.

  11. I think Santa Claus also had a son.

  12. all I know is that religion in my eyes is CONTROL

  13. yeah

  14. was called Jebus Cripes

  15. No that is simply bullshit. Christianity is a false Religion that massive amounts of humanity has wasted to into. You shouldn't follow no Religion. Christianity teaches the exact opposite of what the bible says.

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