
Did Greece Veto Macedonia or just treat to do so and there was never a vote?

by Guest67053  |  earlier

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At the NATO summit Greece as we all now know objected against Macedonia joining NATO. The question is whether they actually did veto Macedonia in an actual vote on the subject or just say they would and a vote never took place.




  1. Answer to "Sk"

    Macedonia is a greek (hellenic) territory for thousands of years. Skopje wants to steal part of this history in order to gain some identity as a country cause they have nothing. So, they want to be called Macedonians even if they are slavs. It is very stupid. More redicoulus is the fact that they claim that ancient Macedonians didn't speak the greek language, they used to speak the "macedonian" language, something that is absolutely historicaly incorrect. Even the name "Alexander" is an ancient greek word that means "protector of men".

  2. Veto

  3. Seriously, what does Greese have to do with Macedonia?  Please edit your ?, so I may understand.

  4. Greece will do everything so that Macedonia will not be recognized.

  5. There was a discussion to reach consensus. The Greek Prime Minister stated that Greece cannot agree at this point and the issue was dropped.

    The dispute revolves around the name because Greece suspects it to be the vehicle of irredentism against its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Although this might seem absurd given the current geopolitical situation, a competent government always considers possible future developments, however unlikely they might seem in the present.

    Greece is correct to be wary and suspicious for a number of reasons:

    (1) It has to ensure that the use of 'Macedonia' as a national name will not exclude its legal use by two millions of its own citizens who self-identify as Greek Macedonians or their products.

    (2) There is a pseudo-historical, irredentist, 'Macedonian' theory, which is also taught in FYRO Macedonian schoolbooks, claiming Northern Greece as 'Macedonian' territory inhabited by at least one million 'Macedonians' and accusing Greece of genocide and forceful assimilation practices.

    (3) FYRO Macedonian government has been adamantly refusing Greece's requests to add an adjective to their national name for disambiguation (e.g. Upper, Northern, or New Macedonia) for 17 years. Greece's view is that FYROM should have no objection to disambiguation, unless they intend to use the name exclusively for irredentist purposes.

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