
Did Griffen win the draw against Rampage because he's the UFC poster boy and was star of Ultimate fighter?

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......It just seems that way IN MY OPINION...remember it's just a question guys so theres no reason to get all rowled up over it or hostile/sarcastic......just give me your opinion not hate answers or arguments....just your OPINIONS!




  1. did you know that Rampage had a bruised Femur from those leg kicks. That had to take over a month to heal. Forrest has started bleeding from lesser punchers jabs. Forrest landed a lower percentage of punches and kicks but he still landed more, that means he was the aggressor.  Forrest controlled more of the fight and really the only time he was in real trouble was at the end of the first of the round. while rampage was on top he didn't land one good punch while Griffin showed control and aggression with submission attempts, take downs are only effective grappling if you use it, Rampage did not. it was close. I would have hated to judge it

  2. No. He won because the judges felt he was better. So did many other people. Every decision will have contraversy especially ones that involve two very popular fighters. If Rampage wanted a win he needed to finish. He didn't leave the fight in his hands so he got burned. Judges all put things differently, some fell like getting out of a submission earns more points and some feel like applying a submission earns more points it is all perspective. In the judges perspective Forrest won and since the judges named Griffin the winner I feel like we don't have the right to dispute that.

  3. I think the leg kicks that rampage took really hurt him everyone could see he was real gentle putting weight on it and that probably was a lasting image on the judges! i know thats not the whole fight but when you see someone gimping around it doesn't show good to the judges!

  4. Yes.  

  5. I honestly like both fighters.  I was rooting for Griffen probably because I thought of him as the under dog.  If I would of been one of the judges I saw the fight as Griffen winning 3 rounds and Rampage winning 2 rounds.  I think it comes down to the fact that Griffin fought the fight he absolutely had to and Rampage didn't get to fight the type he wanted.

    Everytime Griffen stayed inside too long, he got hit by Rampage.  It didn't take much for Griffen to remember to fight his fight and not stand there and let Rampage fight his type of standup.

    I thought the ruling was appropriate but honestly wouldn't of been too surprised if the fight would of went to Rampage based on the fact he had the title.

    I just hope to see Rampage back in the UFC or at least know that he's OK.

  6. My opinion is that this fight is long over and in teh record books, so why don't we just let it drop k. Re-hashing this question, or a variant of it, which has only been asked about 100 times is tiring.

    Rampage lost, fair and square, let it go and get on with life.

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