
Did Heath Ledger's death have an affect all around the world?

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I'm just curious is all.




  1. Absoluely not as he was not a great actor. Only the circumstances of his death and young age made people sad.

  2. Probably, He was well known everywhere. It is a real shame. I thought he was a great actor. And WAYYYY too young to die. Goes to show that life is too short.

  3. He did where Im from which is NZ..  His death was all over our news!!  

    Im guessing probably coz we're so close to his home country..

  4. Although the late Heath Ledger was very good in his profession, he was not well known outside Australia. Furthermore, "Brokeback Mountain" wasn't the kind of movie that could capture the imagination of the masses.

    I for one am saddened by his untimely death. It is tragic.

  5. The only effect he had was to warn others to not take so many drugs. As he said in a movie "you have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting".

  6. What? No.

    He was a mediocre actor, not anyone important.  All that happened is a bunch of people pretended to care about him for a few days.

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