
Did Hillary's getting caught in a bald face lie hurt her this time you think?

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Arriving under gunfire to create a beautiful story. Media camera's aren't helping her this time. I love it.




  1. Not any more than her past reactions or her husbands lies etc with me-I'm scared to think she'd get in the white house again

  2. She's been lying all along, what's so different about this one?

  3. It would have... if this had been the first time Hillary (or any other Clinton, for that matter) had been caught in a baldfaced lie.

    Unfortunately (though, in this case, perhaps FORTUNATELY for her), when you are dealing with the Clintons, lying is just part of the geography.

  4. i think it will have a great impact on Hillary credibility and honesty . she haven't been honest with the American peoples just telling lie after lie so yes it will hurt her  .

  5. She and her huband if you ccan call him that are bold face liars. Stay tuned people there will be more to come.

  6. She is 60.  Her memory sucks.  Or she lied.  What is Obama's excuse?

  7. This does hurt her, but I honestly think this is the Media's attempt to take the heat off of their "Golden Boy" Obama...Obama admonishes Clinton for her remarks, but does not say anything about the lies he has been caught in the past few weeks...this should be a warning sign to American about how the Media has an agenda...I dislike Hillary as much as the next person, but still I do not feel her lies should take the heat off the other liar Obama...

  8. If lying hurts a candidate's chance of being elected, then I guess we won't have anyone left to vote for come November. All politicians lie. All of them get caught. There are countless videos online of McCain, Clinton, Obama, Bush, you name it, saying things that are clearly not true or are contradictory to something they said before. The only difference between Hillary and the others is that you already don't like Hillary.

  9. What's a bald face

  10. yes.  In fact, she hurts herself everytime she opens her mouth.

  11. i dont think it hurt her in some peoples eyes:(

    at least she waxed her beard! jk :)

  12. I think the media should be fair in covering political lies and uncovering the truth.

    When McCain's dirt was uncovered it was reeled for weeks and then left alone.

    Obama's ministers' comments are still be played on the news and TV stations everywhere.

    CNN aired this story and left it alone.  They mention it a couple of times, and no big issue.  It seems that the media has also shifted their favoritism.

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