
Did Hillary Clinton mean it when she said...?

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When Hillary Clinton said "I know Sen. McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House. And, Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002" during the primary campaign, did she really mean it?




  1. If she said that and is honest then she did mean it..

  2. Yes she did mean it(although she will probably try to say she wasn't serious when she gives her speech tonight at the democratic convention... cause of pressure from other democrats).

    But what she said during the primary campaign is 100% true.  

  3. She was trying to win a campaign against Obama.

    Edit: 3) She was trying to win campaign against Obama. You find me a politician and I'll show you a liar. Welcome to politics...dumba** below. What is she going to say, Obama will make a better President than I will. Get real.

  4. "She was trying to win a campaign against Obama."

    So that means that

    1) You libs are a huge group of liars, or

    2) Clinton actually said something truthful that is now taboo after Obama won.

  5. Yes!!!!!! GO McCain!!!!!

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